Submitted by Julia on

Hate is not the opposite of love. Hate is a manifestation of fear.
Looking at something metaphysically includes understanding it from a broader perspective than we are accustomed to doing. The interesting thing is that we often recognize the metaphysics internally, at a place that is hard to access with our thinking mind. And even when we do recognize it cognitively, we tend to only be able to use the words that we know from this three-dimensional existence in which we live.
I, and others, have already written about hate’s inability to see the commonalities of seemingly different people (gender, ethnicity, faith, etc). When I look at hate from a metaphysical approach, I see a deeper misunderstanding that each of us is also experiencing.
Our past. We used to be one – with others and with the Divine. But then separation occurred, and this separation is a very uncomfortable sensation. Most of us are aware of this separation only subconsciously, but it doesn’t mean that we don’t unconsciously remember how it felt to be connected with the energy of All That Is. This connection felt (and feels) wonderful. Whole. Complete. In fact, it feels like our gestalt (which means the whole is greater than the sum of its parts) becomes complete.
We are actually evolving to return to Oneness, but some of us don’t realize that yet. And some who are attempting to achieve Oneness are misdirected. As a result of separation we generally follow two paths: Abundance Seeker or Scarcity Follower; and scarcity followers might be inclined to follow Opportunists.
Some people experience separation and seek ways to connect with the Divine by seeking goodness, love, and true connection with others. They seem to always see abundance.
Scarcity Followers
For others, separation creates a different path. Rather than seeking the Divine connection as the abundance-seekers do, they get bogged down in the continued experience of separation. They then find themselves seeking connection with anything that in the short-term feels valuable. But these connections never fulfill their Soul’s need and so they continue to feel separate, becoming ever more desperate, and thus seeing and focusing on scarcity. (Scarcity is the belief that there is not enough for all of us, so one had best become competitive to protect one’s own assets.)
The Opportunists
Opportunists achieve their own quasi-connection by rallying others to follow them. Opportunists thus prey on those who see scarcity, maintaining the latter’s focus on separation, and making it even more difficult for their followers to see the light.
When people continue to experience separation without the emphasis on abundance, they can be drawn into fear, which can then manifest into hate.
Unity and oneness will return for us all. The question is how soon we will usher it in. The choice and the speed of delivery is given to each of us.
There is a Cherokee parable about a man with two wolves inside of him. He is asked which is stronger: The wolf of goodness and love, or the wolf of fear and hate? His answer: “The one that I feed.”
Each of us has the opportunity to change from scarcity-follower to abundance-seeker. Reflect on your own attitudes and behaviors. Which ‘wolf’ do you feed? Have you focused on abundance or scarcity?
When you encounter people in your day, greet them with a smile. Smiles are contagious and, like love, what you send out you get back in return. The Beatles understood this when they wrote, “The love you take is equal to the love you make.” (The End, Abby Road) As you identify all that is good in the world and in your day, write them daily into a gratitude journal.
If you are already living with a focus on abundance, it is easy to fall into an “us vs. them” framework when you interact with or observe someone who is mired in fear and hate. But this generates more separation. Instead, hold compassion for those who focus on scarcity and understand how difficult it is for them at this moment to make the shift toward abundance. In life and in meditation, reach out with grace and compassion. As you avoid judgment, it is perfectly acceptable, if needed, to respond with boundaries. As Marianne Williamson says, “Sometimes the loving response is ‘no’.”
During these challenging times, it helps to see the metaphysical perspective of what is occurring. In order for us to individually and collectively achieve oneness, we must first recognize separateness. When hate and fear are this apparent, we see what can no longer be hidden behind the smoke and mirrors. Instead, it is made visible, front and center, to observe and address which is a necessary step for change. Now is the time for compassion, for grace, and when necessary for boundaries. Now is the time to create this change.
Namasté (The light in me acknowledges the light in you.)
Judith E. Lipson, M.A., LPC
Judy Lipson is a Licensed Professional Counselor and educational strategist in West Bloomfield, MI. She helps clients of all ages who have learning difficulties, work or school related anxiety, ADHD, Asperger’s Syndrome or Autism Spectrum Disorders, and those who wish to Remember and Become ‘Who You Really Are’. Contact Judy at, and visit for more information.
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