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The Lighthouse As A Symbol

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The Lighthouse is a tall circular stone structure erected upon the highest point of land that is closest to the sea and its potential dangers. It notifies sailors that land is near and warns them that they are approaching rocks, reefs and shallow waters which must
be navigated with caution. The Lighthouse is also a comforting sign that the calm waters of a welcoming harbor are close at hand.

The Lighthouse stands alone and tall in both light and darkness and it, along with its beacon, is a focal point which symbolizes strength, guidance and safe harbor; it is a Spiritual "Welcome Mat" for all those who are traveling by sea.

Symbolically The Lighthouse is similar to the Star, and to the Hermit of the Tarot Deck. However, as the Star serves as guidance for all those who look to the heavens, or higher consciousness, and the Hermit serves as a guide to all who wish to ascend the
mountaintop, or highest level of spiritual attainment here on earth, the Lighthouse serves as a guide and beacon to all who are either voyaging or adrift on Water.

Metaphorically, as the element of Water represents the emotions, the Lighthouse is a Symbol for the Spiritual Strength and Emotional Guidance which is available to us during the times we feel we are being helplessly tossed around in a sea of inner turmoil.

With these thoughts in mind, let us now explore the metaphors which are related to, and associated with, the Symbol of the Lighthouse.

Storms consist of both wind (air) and rain (water). And as air is the element representing the mind, and water is the element representing the emotions, storms symbolize agitated thoughts and emotions. Metaphorically, storms are our inner demons  which torment both our mind and our subconscious.

The rocks, reefs and shallow waters symbolize the final dangers and miseries which seem to accompany the end of any turbulent voyage. Just as the saying, "its always darkest before the dawn", things always seem the most dangerous and hopeless as we reach the end of an emotional turmoil. This is the point when we feel like tossing up our hands and giving up. However, it is just after this point that our problems become solved, our crises wane and we attain that new clarity and understanding which we have
been so desperately seeking.

The Strength of the Lighthouse is Symbolized by its location. It is erected at the highest point of land which is closest to the sea and its dangers. Its circular construction makes it impervious to the most bitter gales which time and nature can hurl at it. As the circle is a Symbol of Divinity, the circular structure of the Lighthouse Symbolizes stable and reliable Spiritual Guidance during our mental and emotional storms.

The Beacon is the Guiding Light, the Illuminated Eye, which shines in all directions and enables all who are adrift at sea to use it as a focal point in order to steer to the calm waters of the safe harbor which the Lighthouse oversees.

Therefore the Symbol of the Lighthouse reminds us that, regardless of how turbulent our emotional seas may become, we need only focus on the Guiding Light of the Spiritual Lighthouse within us. Our Inner Lighthouse is our inner strength; it is our God-within; it is our Atman.

Our inner Lighthouse is also our spiritual guide which safely directs us to that peaceful port-of-call which resides within each and every one of us; a port-of-call that provides us with calm waters, safe harbor and emotional tranquility from the turbulent seas which are currently surrounding us.

Once we are safe within our Harbor of Tranquility we are better able to evaluate the emotional tides and currents which are temporarily disturbing our voyage. Then, once our emotional storm finally passes, we can once again set out to sea and enjoy clear skies, calm seas and prosperous Waters as we cheerfully sail toward new horizona and new adventures.

Joseph Panek -