Submitted by Kane on
In 2012, I came across the works of Kevin Mugur Galalae and his book Killing Us Softly which describes the agenda of globalist elites to reduce the human population to about 500 million (ideally). The motivation for this agenda is a combination of many factors. One is the economic incentive for the state to minimize population age above retirement.
Another is climate change producing excess carbon. Whether this is real or not, doesn’t interest me as much as the fact that it is a motive for population reduction. It is also a stated motive for vaccination which Bill Gates states plainly in a 2010 TED talk. Depopulation is really the first step of the transhumanist agenda which represents the merging of medicine and technology to create “a more perfect human”. Of course, not all of us would get the technology that extends our telomeres to 150 year life spans. That is reserved for the billionaire class. They plan to actually downgrade some of us in order to facilitate their control.
The pandemic took us farther in this direction. However Dr. James Lyons-Weiler at PA Medical Freedom Press Conference 10/20/20 along with many other doctors calling it out as overblown and as a means for government social control and attempted genocide. Covid is most likely a failed bioweapon and roughly comparable to the Hong Kong flu of 1969 (if we generously allow the likely statistical skewing of flu cases), and is nowhere near close to beating the Spanish flu of 1918 - 1920. This year’s numbers suggest that the flu was merely rebranded as covid since the flu seems to have completely disappeared. There’s a powerful incentive for US hospitals to call it covid too since they get $13K for covid but only $4K for the flu. While people do get sick, the state has an ulterior motive to use it for political control and unless the people rise up in the correct way, many will find themselves enslaved and unable to escape by the time this decade is over.
One of my longest held convictions since I was a teenager in the mid 1970’s is that the USA would collapse as a world power / nation by 2026. I cannot claim sole insight into this though. Many astrologers for decades have said that the USA Pluto return would herald serious social changes for the USA (and likely the world) and bring about similar issues as seen in 1776. There are also other techniques such as Barbault’s Planetary Cycles that also predict this for the early 2020’s.
This collapse will not quite be sudden, though it will have memorable turning points (such as the lockdowns and maybe future mass vaccine die offs due to pathogenic priming causing iatrogenic reactions). One should regard this as a process that has already started in which the most important chapter begins with the 2008 near collapse of the world economy (Pluto in Capricorn ingress) which happens to correspond to the birth of bitcoin and Occupy Wall Street
I will simply summarize that this crisis is being used to transfer “human cattle” into their new slave system which will have you tracked and traced constantly without any privacy. Their plan is to put you into lockdown forever (if they decide you’re worth keeping around).
They aren’t stating it this way of course. They are using such slogans as “build back better” and selling austerity as “you’’ll own nothing, and you’ll be happy”. The way each of the different presidents of various nation states are all using the same language is proof that there’s a powerful entity controlling all of them to be on the same agenda…
In the future they want the following for us…
- By 2030 a one world government.
- A cashless world currency.
- A world central bank and world military.
- End of national sovereignty (why Trump / MAGA must go).
- End of all privately owned property.
- End of the family unit (government owns all children and citizens).
- Depopulation and control of population density and growth (people only allowed in cities).
- Mandatory multiple vaccines.
- Universal Basic Income in exchange for elimination of all debt.
- Tracking and control of all people through implants (hydrogel) hooked into IoT (internet of things) with your appliances sending geolocation data (Siri, Alexa equivalents).
- Chinese social credit system developed by Google will go global.
- End of private transportation.
- Prohibition of natural remedies and medicines (all food will be synthetic).
What to look for astrologically:
Late spring into summer 2021, Jupiter enters Pisces (it then owns itself, though is forced to share power with the lesser benefic (Venus)). This should bring some level of poetic justice, but Jupiter goes back into Aquarius for the rest of the year. Most likely this is an indication of increased rebellion due to the fraud perpetrated on the people for the purposes of control.
Sometime around late summer 2022 is another great change when Jupiter finally escapes the last hold of Saturn and the tables will be turned by 2023. At this point Saturn enters Pisces and is owned by Jupiter. Some level of order and justice should be restored, but the criminals in high places won't be fully outed yet.
The transit that I'm really waiting for is Saturn conjunct Neptune at the beginning of Aries around 2025 - 26. At this point Saturn (government) which currently has freedom by the balls, should be on the run. Saturn will be in the same depressed state that Jupiter was in in Capricorn and even worse conjoins the planet of "self undoing and dissolution" Neptune.
This suggests that those currently using the pandemic for control will have some explaining to do. Why did they allow "gain of function" research then offshore it to Wuhan? I think the Saturn / Neptune conjunction in Aries is the antithesis of the Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto conjunction in Capricorn. It represents this generations “Nuremberg Moment”. In the first conjunction, Jupiter (principle of freedom, life and breath), is in chains. In the latter, Jupiter is exalted and Saturn (principle of governance, tyranny) is dissolved and imprisoned.
I wanted to point this out as many have said that we're never returning to normal because this "is the new normal". Unfortunately, many people, especially on the left, are confused about freedom and are waiting for permission that will never come. These people will stay locked down in many places in the world with passes issued by govt via immunity passport (a microneedle patch using luciferase enzyme found in fireflies which can be read using a smartphone). Bill Gates and the GAVI institute are implicated in these schemes with an apparent end goal to re-engineer the human genome remotely using IoT with mRNA bioprogrammable signals. Part of the resistance is in understanding that your money has become a system to control you with this Microsoft patent. But bitcoin is unfortunately having problems… Whether Bitcoin which is like the Yahoo! of the early internet becomes the Google of crypto has yet to be seen. The Uranus ingress into Gemini trine to Pluto in Aquarius likely also settles the issue of which blockchain will take the throne. Time will give us the details…
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