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Hindu Perspective Of Valentine's Day: Don't Seek Love, Be Love

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“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” ― Rumi

The actual origin of Valentines Day is still shrouded in mystery with some references even to the darkside. Yet, it is a widely celebrated and popular holiday with tremendous commercial benefits and considered a day of the celebration of love and affection.

The question is does it benefit spiritually regardless of its acceptance by Christian religons?

Although is is accepted by Christianity, it does not have actual religious or spititual meaning per se.

In Hinduism, all the festivals have deep spiritual meaning; for example, during the festivals like Ganesh Chaturthi, Shreekrushna Janmashtami, Gurupaurnima, Navratri, etc. the Divine principle of that respective Deity reaches the surface of the Earth which benefits all human beings. As compared to it, various ”Days” like Valentines Day, Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, etc. have neither any spiritual context nor their respective principle reaches Earth on those respective day. Therefore, human beings do not obtain any spiritual benefit on these days.

According to Hinduism, Dharma (Righteous conduct), Artha (acquisition of wealth by honest means), Kama (Activity rendering physical and mental happiness) and Moksha (Final Liberation) are four pursuits of life (purusharthas). Artha and Kama should be in accordance with Dharma, that is, one should acquire wealth (Artha) and fulfil desires as per Dharma. In the period leading up to Valentine’s day, merchants increase prices of items such as gifts, chocolates, flowers, etc. to increase their profit even more. Also people indulge in sex due to the influence of this day. This is not in accordance with Dharma. Therefore, instead of obtaining the spiritual benefits, one may incur spiritual loss due to not adhering to Dharma. -

Valentine’s Day is also considered a day for having sex. According to a survey, almost 70% of the respondents expected sex on Valentine’s Day. According to Hinduism, Kama (fulfilling carnal desires) should be done in accordance with Dharma; otherwise it accrues demerits. It does not mean that Hinduism prohibits having sex; but there are rules for it so that one does not accrue demerits and get stuck in the cycles of life and death.  Rati (Sanskrit: रति, Rati) is the Hindu goddess of love, carnal desire, lust, passion and sexual pleasure. Usually described as the daughter of Prajapati Daksha, Rati is the female counterpart, the chief consort and the assistant of Kama (Kamadeva), the god of love. -

Valentine’s Day is celebrated by exchanging gifts and cards, eating out, etc. These gestures are supposed to indicate love for each other. However, true love is independent of expensive gifts, cards, etc. If true love is not there, then no matter how many gifts and cards are exchanged, the relationship will be still devoid of love. True love towards each other increases by performing acts like helping and understanding each other, sharing, caring, etc. Hinduism thrives on the concept of ‘love without expectations’ (priti); which means, no matter how the other person behaves, one will still love that person. Mother, father, Guru, Sages and God have immense priti; they love us without expecting that we should do something for them. If at all they have some expectations, it is only for our welfare. -  ,

“Life is just a mirror, and what you see out there, you must first see inside of you.” ~ Wally Amos

“Find the love you seek, by first finding the love within yourself. Learn to rest in that place within you that is your true home.” ~  Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Why look outside yourself for something that is already within you? True love starts with you. The love of your life is nobody else but you. Within you lies all the love that you need and desire. In you, not outside of you. The love you will receive from outside of yourself will be nothing but a projection of the love that is present within you. -

Article for educational and psychological purposes.