Submitted by LOGOS - Overseer on
By Lorna Wilson
(All Rights Reserved – Published With Permission)
I have an image in my mind of an orb of energy shooting out of the center of Creation in an orgasmic burst of millions of such orbs. However, singularly each falls down through the dimensions magnetizing any sub atomic particles moving around like sticky stardust that then sticks to the orbs randomly. The end result is that as it /we ’land’ in the lower dimensions we are now covered with bits and pieces of life forming experiences or stimulus.
Whether this is accurate or not it is an image that is more alive and electrical than I am able to give it words. As we notice what has become a part of us or stuck to us, and given our attention, it becomes encoded with our thoughts which are sent out as waves of creational force filled with our judgment or observations. This then manifest into karmic form. Karma being nothing more than ‘action’.
Nevertheless we retain a subtle body core which is the original soul spark that has memory and the driving force to return back home through the dimensions. A universal law is that all energy that goes out must return to its source - in this case Source with a capital S.
However, a 'problem' arose for many who got pushed out from the Source as they felt somehow rejected or banished from the unconditional Love, Light and Sound vibration of home. As these orbs of energy and light fell down through the dimensions these feelings began to form into hardened matter as loss and dejection creating a matrix pattern of form. These lower waves being slower, dense and opaque had the potential to finalize a separation adding to the feeling of abandonment and loss, and leaving these orbs or sparks of light seeking for the unconditional love of Its parent and feeling somehow incomplete.
Always seeking for their true home but forgetting where that was, and over identifying with the physical form of matter, instead of returning up through the higher realms to Soul these memory patterns would only return back one level to the astral form when freed of the body through death, and wait for a new birth back into the physical. This became known as a karmic wheel. Never remembering that they could go directly home anytime, they became addicted to living through the five senses and thought that was all there was. The fall from the Light of home, and descending through a scale of polarities sometimes negative other times positive reinforced external viewpoints and created spiritual amnesia.
Through a vague lingering memory and a feel good factor of the force of the positive of the pure soul realm, they began to only acknowledge that polarity which became labeled God. These soul sparks began to create imbalances within their bodies, forgetting that both polarities are and were necessary in conducting the flow of creational forces. Feeling lost and stuck in the lower realms they began to reject and judge harshly the energy that was of a negative flow and so not only did they become unbalanced but they began to accrue more karmic interplay further polarizing themselves. Their resistance kept drawing them back to the very negative that they resisted. Their many etheric bodies which had formed as sheaths of the same living fabric of the differing dimensions held these thoughts in place firmly within the subtle bodies and formed the subconscious mind which was hardened etheric matter.
Encased within at its core like a pearl, was the finer light filled soul spirit that was deeply buried awaiting acknowledgement to burst forth again and to be set free from the physical prison of the five senses. The physical realm of matter was and is indeed formed of the negative polarity as it is of the lower world and the furthermost removed from the Universal Mind of pure refined Light which is positive. But rejecting this negative polarity the distance back home seemed impossible.
"The teaching of the Saints is to raise the soul from the lower chakras to the higher chakras -- till it reaches the highest chakra, where it initially landed, and then reach the MASTER -- THE SUPREME SOUL, from where it initially parted. The path of upliftment is the same as that of descent, except that the movement is reverse, i.e., ascent in place of descent."
H.N. Saksena, The Secret of Realization
"Use all your power to free the senses from attachment and aversion alike, and live in the full wisdom of the Self. Such a sage awakes to Light in the night of all creatures. That which the world calls 'day' is the night of ignorance to the wise."
The Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 2, V 68 - 69
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