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World famous psychic Micki Dahne has an incredible record of predicting the future. She can tell you when something will happen and name names. She can even tell you what you have been thinking about, your love life, health, career, as well as predictions for America’s future. Micki has appeared on thousands of television and radio shows, hosted her own shows and has been written up in newspapers and magazines all over the world. She has appeared on Larry King, Court TV, Psychic Detectives. She is listed as one of the top 100 psychics in America. Her clients include famous singers, actors and politicians. Whenever she meets a person, she knows things about their lives - past, present and future. She is noted for finding missing people as well as missing objects.
Q: When did you first realize you were psychic?
A: I was just ten years old and playing, when all of a sudden I ran to my mother screaming and yelled, “Your pearls, your pearls!” I saw firecrackers all around them. I could see devastation around the pearls. That same day we found out that Pearl Harbor had been bombed. Since early childhood I have always been able to tell who was on the phone before I answered it. My mother would get very angry with me when I would predict things that were about to take place, so I learned at a very early age to keep quiet.
Q: You are famous for so many accurate predictions. You forecast the Pennsylvania Coal Mine disaster with incredible accuracy, snow in Miami, Watergate, plane crashes and the list goes on and on. Tell us about one of those.
A: I predicted it would snow in Miami on January 19th, a full three weeks before it happened. It snowed in Miami on the day President Jimmy Carter was inaugurated. People were shocked when my prediction came true. The prediction made headlines. The last time snow was seen in south Florida was in 1899 in Fort Myers and Fort Pierce. It’s never been known to snow in Miami.
Q: You are featured on Court TV’s Psychic Detectives. Tell us about one of your cases.
A: A young woman, who happens to be a neighbor, was writing to a man in prison. She told him when he was released he should look her up. He did, and he killed her. He then looked through her address book which happened to include my daughter’s name and number. He recognized our name and called my daughter. He asked her, “Are you sleeping, are you cold and are you alone…’cause you’re next.” I was hysterical. I immediately sent my daughter away to a place where I knew she would be safe. I then went to look for the killer. I kept seeing the initials R. S. over and over, and then found out that the killer’s name was Rusty Sanborn. I then told the police where to find him. I said he would be near some form of water that was used with work. I also told them to look for a letter that would help put him away. He was found living across the street from a carwash. They found a letter from the dead woman under his mattress. We got him! He was put away with a three hundred year sentence.
Q: You are excellent in finding missing objects. I was interning at a radio station in New Jersey when a very upset listener called to say she had misplaced her wedding rings and could not find them anywhere. You told her just where to look. She called back before the show ended, ecstatic! They were just where you told her they would be! But you also specialize in missing children and adults. Can you cite one of your many, many successful cases?
A: I have worked with the police and found countless numbers of missing children, adults and animals. I got a call from Santo Domingo that the head of Pfizer in from South America had taken a ferry to an island with a group of people and had not been heard from in eleven days. They could not locate him. From halfway around the world, I told them they were looking in the wrong place. They are going northwest and he is northeast. I said he is alive and sitting under a tree with injuries to his feet and scratches to his eye, and that for eleven days he has had no food or water. The next morning they found him.
Q: You have predicted many marriages and are also ordained to marry couples.
A: There was one very attractive woman who came to me. I urged her to go to Greece, and go alone, and there she would find the person of her dreams. She booked a cruise through Greece, and while on board, she met the man who would become her future husband. She called me to pick out a lucky date for their wedding. They got married soon after.
Q: Do you ever see dead people?
A: Of course I do. Ever since I was a child I have been talking to people who weren’t there… people that others could not see, it would always get me in trouble.
Q: Do you get messages from people’s loved ones who have passed on?
A: Yes, all the time. I believe and have believed ever since I was very young that heaven is not above us but all around us. This was verified for me by three quantum physics specialists. They said heaven is not in the sky, heaven is right next to us. I have been saying this since I was a baby. Listening to them, I felt validated about what I have always said and known. When I was giving birth to my oldest child, I was having a hard time, and my heart beat was irregular. My doctor, who was a family friend, was very concerned and started to take the baby by forceps. I let out a scream. Suddenly the nurse said to a gentleman standing in the room, “Sir you will have to leave.” The doctor turned around and said, “Hal, she will be fine. You have to leave.” Hal was my father. He had been dead for four years. After seeing this, the doctor fainted.
Q: Is there reincarnation?
A: Oh definitely. As a child I would say, “When I was a mommy,” or, “When I was a daddy,” and I would again get in trouble. Many times in your life you will meet someone and you will feel that you know them, but you don’t. They are from a different life time. One of my dearest friends is famed author Dr. Brian Weiss, graduate of Columbia University and Yale Medical School, and Chairman Emeritus of Psychiatry at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in Florida. Dr. Weiss became interested in reincarnation when one of his patients began recalling past life experiences. He has since written many books about reincarnation, including Many Lives, Many Masters and the book I love, his newest, Same Soul, Many Bodies. His descriptions of reincarnation are right on target.
Q: Do we all have a mission in life?
A: Yes, we all have a mission or a purpose on earth and that’s to be kind to each other and love each other. I also believe in the golden rule. Whatever you give out, you get back.
Q: Do you have any predictions for the coming year or years for our country or the world?
A: I am very upset right now with the country. I am very upset with everything and I am terrified. When I get scared, GET SCARED. I am terrified of those terrorists. They are like honey syrup going all over. I am afraid we are going to be hit, but maybe enough people are praying to push it away.
By Stephen Briggs, Staff Writer The Galactic Press
Reprinted with permission from
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