Submitted by LOGOS - Overseer on
Magick the cat is the current day companion of Sijan Nol the Druid. He is a very old cat spirit with lifetimes dating back to a continent that pre-dates Atlantis and Lemuria. In Ancient Egypt he was revered as a sacred cat and demi god who was equal to the pharaoh and more valuable than any person.
"Whoever kills a cat in Egypt is condemned to death, whether he committed this crime deliberately or not. The people will gather and kill him. An unfortunate Roman, who accidentally killed a cat, could not be saved, either by King Ptolemy of Egypt or by the fear which Rome inspired." ~Diodorus Siculus, Greek Historian circa 49 B.C
To the Ancient Celts he was known as the healing spirit called Ta Je Ocelic who was known to keep company with the fairy cat known as Cat Sith.
In ancient Greece he belonged to the Oracle at Delphi but ran away because he sensed the fumes of ethylene that were seeping up from the underground and understood that it was not a healthy situation.
He was friends with a Tabby cat named Muezza who was the favorite cat of Muhammad. He told Muezza that if he crawled into the sleeve of Muhammad's robe that Muhammad would take a special liking to him. So Muezza crawled into the sleeve of Muhammad's robe and went to sleep. When Muhammad was called to prayer, he found Muezza sleeping in his robe and rather than wake the cat he cut off the sleeve and left the cat in peace. When Muhammad returned from prayer Muezza was awake and bowed to Muhammad. Pleased, Muhammad stroked Muezza three times on the head and it is said that is why all Tabby cats from that day forward have an "M" marking on their foreheads.
Magick has the great wisdom of Nature which he imparts with feline telepathy. His energy is all healing. Listen to Magick's message:
"The Inscription on the royal tombs in Thebes says, 'Thou art the Great Cat, the avenger of the gods, and the judge of words, and the president of the sovereign chiefs and the governor of the holy Circle; thou art indeed…the Great Cat.' "
"I speak for all cats who are great and powerful spirits. We are the living proof representatives of reincarnation and if you don’t believe that then you should stop and think about the expression 'a cat has nine lives.' This IS a literal meaning! I myself bear a spiral sigil on my left hind leg that is always there every time I am reborn despite my appearance or current pedigree. All cats are inter-dimensional beings. In essence we are 'realm walkers' equipped with refined sight that allows us to see what humans cannot see. We are also very psychically sensitive and can read minds so it is always wise to have pleasant thoughts when you are in the presence of a cat.
In your current understanding of history, our time of exalted status was in Ancient Egypt where laws were created to protect cats since they were held in such high regard. A religious order of cat worship lasted for more than 2,000 years in Egypt. The Egyptian word for cat was 'mau' similar to the Universal cat word 'meow.' Yes, you think that is very cute but, what would you think if I told you that Mau was the name of a great High Civilization that predates Lemuria, Atlantis and Mu? Many great feats were accomplished there but no trace of it will ever be found… you’ll have to take me at my word. That was a happy lifetime for me as is my current lifetime with the Druid Sijan Nol. We have a special rapport and share a great concern for the Earth’s environment. The Druids have been entrusted with keeping the balance in the Universe and you should do your part to keep the environment clean and balanced so it is preserved for your future incarnations because the alternative realms are not as beautiful."
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