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Meet Pffft. For a long time Pffft was very morose because he felt stupid. He greatly admired his friends who seemed to possess knowledge and he marveled at their intricately detailed discussions about all sorts of topics. One day, Pffft decided to see just how stupid he really was so he went online and found a stupid test.
To his great surprise, Pffft found out that he was only 11% stupid which meant he was pretty darn smart! So Pfft made a decision. He decided to study Metaphysics because it was the one thing none of his friends seemed to know much about. If he could become knowledgeable enough he might even be able to answer those questions to which they had no answers and he could find his rightful place amongst his peers. He bought a few recommended "beginner" tomes and after reading those decided that Metaphysics was indeed a great way to become even smarter! Eventually one thing led to another and before he was through he had studied many great works - philosophy, ontology, cosmology, epistemology, alchemy, astrology, numerology, psychology, hypno therapy, holographic universalism, sacred geometry, angelics, demonics, auras, ufology, inter-dimensionality, parapsychology, psychic phenomena, reincarnation, spirituality, theosophy, all religions, Wicca, paganism, Universal Law, Quantum physics, the Divine, the non-Divine, secret societies,conspiracy theories, the above abnormal, sub normal, below normal, anything and everything that ended in "ism" and even Dr. Seuss just to name a few. Pfft had become a veritable fountain of esoteric knowledge. He was a walking encyclopedia who had mastered the secrets of the Universe. He amazed and enthralled his friends who had begun to call him Guru. He never questioned anything because he knew it all and even better he had the proof and why not? ... he'd read all the books, seen all the movies, taken all the classes and listened to all the lectures. He wore hard cold fact like a badge. He ruled, he was the grand maestro, he was the KING ... no one had it over Pffft. Nothing surpassed his knowledge except perhaps his Ego.
One day on his way to give a sold out demand performance lecture, he saw a little girl sitting under a tree. She was intently thumbing through a large cumbersome book. When she saw him walking by she said:
"I know you! You are Mr. Pffft. You have all the answers to all the questions. Can I ask you a question?
Pffft was a little annoyed as he would be late for his appearance but he figured it certainly couldn't take that long to answer such a little girl with such a small brain in her head.
"All right little girl, what is it?"
"Well Mr. Pffft. I was wondering about the truth."
"This is easy child," said Pffft, "the truth is that which is written or said in agreement with reality."
The child looked puzzled and said, "Who's reality Mr. Pffft?"
"Everyone's reality child!"
"How do you know that Mr. Pffft?"
Pffft was growing annoyed because now he was definitely going to be late for his appearance.
"I know this because I am very, very wise."
"How did you get so wise Mr. Pffft?"
"I am wise because I have studied and read, watched every movie, have taken many classes and listened to many lectures."
"I see," said the little girl. "Did you ever ask any questions Mr. Pffft?"
Pffft grew indignant. "Why should I have asked any questions when the answers were right there for me to see and hear as proof?"
"Well, what would happen if I did not believe everything I saw or heard even if there was proof in favor of it all? What if I thought I needed to look somewhere else?" queried the little girl.
"Then you would be a very silly little girl for wasting your time and not believing what you saw and heard and read! Have you no brain or any sense? I was once very stupid as you can see now I am quite smart." With that Pffft hurried away.
The little girl opened her the cumbersome dictionary on her lap and flipped through the pages concentrating on Pffft's words. When she found what she was looking for her fingers traced the words as she read aloud:
"STUPID - formed without reason or judgment; gullible; lacking in common sense; taking things at face value; easily deceived and naive; ill advised; lack of discernment; displaced ego needs; lack of practical sagacity; irrational, foolish; idiotic; asinine."
The little girl looked up and smiled. Mr. Pfft was still stupid and that made perfect sense to her.
"Many have been the wise speeches of fools, though not so many as the foolish speeches of wise men." ~ Thomas Fuller
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