Submitted by Look Inward on
Image by Gerd Altmann from
I found this posting on and thought it worth a specualtive evaluation.
By: Richard Martini, Author of "best selling books" (Amazon) about the afterlife.
I asked this question in an interview with a spirit guide. And what I mean by that is, I was filming someone under deep hypnosis (I’ve filmed 40 so far, they all say relatively the same things), a hypnotherapist trained in Michael Newton’s method (“Journey of Souls”) asked the guide - “So how do souls come into existence?” and the guide’s answer was this:
“Between lives, outside this plane, physics work on a different level. Souls can come into existence anytime, all the time. The process is hard to describe, (he said) but goes something like this: Two photons of light (for lack of a better word) are put together. One might have some female energy, the other might have some male energy, it varies. That newly formed soul is tended over by people who do that sort of thing. Their function is like midwives watching over children. And then the guides and loved ones may add bits of energy to those photons, building and adding to what this soul will become.
And then at some point, that soul is ready to incarnate in some form, on some level, perhaps not on earth, but another playground. At that point the soul is assigned a spirit guide. (Everyone has one, some have more than one, but basically the spirit guide looks over all of that soul’s lifetimes.) The guide may occasionally join the soul during an incarnation, but for the most part remains an impartial guide and observer.
Together with the soul, the guide comes up with a plan for what the soul will experience. Think of a blank canvas. And each color represents a different lifetime. And then after many many lifetimes you might look at the canvas and say “I need some more of this color or energy over here… and I think I need to work on some more of this energy over there…”
And at the end of all of your lifetimes there’s this magnificent portrait of a soul. And then at that point, depending if its the kind of work the soul wants to go into,they “graduate” from that level. And their graduation gift, if you will, is a new soul.
So after all their lifetimes they’re going to look after all the lifetimes of this new soul, using all the knowledge and experience they’ve gathered. And the process continues, people graduate from guide to council member, and then council members have councils, etc. It keeps going up.
When this guide was asked “So what happens to a soul once it gets through all of these journeys?” he said “I don’t know. It’s above my pay grade.” (quoted from “Flipside: A Tourist’s Guide on Now to Navigate the Afterlife.”)
As noted, “not all souls incarnate here on Earth.” So what’s in these reports is that people who “normally incarnate elsewhere” have been showing up here. They’ve come for some particular reason, the reports claim that it’s almost always something to do with advancement or consciousness expansion. (In the 1990’s Michael Newton estimated that 10% of the cases he was seeing claimed to have “off world” experience. In “It’s a Wonderful Afterlife” the President of the Newton Institute said their data shows that 30% of their clients are saying that they “normally incarnate elsewhere” or have some experience doing so.
That means either more people that have off world experience are finding a way to a hypnotherapist’s office, or more people are reading up on the topic and seeking out answers to why that might be - but I’m just reporting the data.
Here is one perspective in response to this query:
By: Farah Deeba
Jewish, Hindus (and all religions that come under the umbrella of Hinduism) believe in reincarnation.
The only 2 religions that don't believe in reincarnation/rebirth are the Christians and Muslims.
In the Hindu scriptures reincarnation/rebirth is a long and complicated process. I am yet to embark on this difficult journey in even trying to understand it.
Briefly I can touch on this topic.
Every matter is brimming with life. Life as in not the way humans perceive it. But in some way that is beyond the 5 senses of any humans.
So according to Vedic/Hindu beliefs, a human can take various births as insect or tree or an animal, depending on his karmic deeds of previous lives.
It's quite complicated. Just like Darwin's theory of evolution. Evolution of the soul from one form to another.
If we go by this, then every soul has to go through the cycle of birth and death to atone for his sins before it merges with the light, before the end of time. It is said that it is only possible in the human form. So the soul that exists in every other form has to evolve to human form, to clear his karmic debts.
As humans with limited perspective, living in 3 dimensions, we fail to comprehend and cannot say at what stage we will merge. So the souls of animals or souls in plants or insect are being born as humans to help them atone for the sins and merge with the light.
This is the best (but not enough) I could do to explain the reincarnation due to our karmas.
According to the Jewish or Kabbala scriptures, each time we sin, the soul is fragmented and sent back to earth. The more/greater/deeper the sins, the soul splits into more pieces for it to be managed easily.
In Jewish scriptures we are all Adams soul that were split into thousands and thousands of pieces when he disobeyed G_D, sinned and was sent down to earth to live his life. Each soul under the guidance of a Rabbi (teacher/guru) works on his mitzvah (Karma) and joins his soul with other good soul, making a bigger better soul, expanding and coming back to guide others.
But if the soul is unable to get a teacher to guide it, it is prone to committing more sins, then the soul is split further and reincarnated so it can be managed. Thus more souls are being created in human form.
According to all scriptures, the end times are near. The bible says it, the quran says it, and more specifically the Vedic texts say that this is the Kalyug-the beginning of the end times. That is why maybe, there are millions of people on this earth, that have been sent back to live their karmic debts/atone for the sins before time collapses.
Because according to both the scriptures, the soul has to become pure/gain enlightenment before it merges with the light.
With due respect to both Hindu and Jewish scriptures, I have given just an idea to the vastness of that lies ahead.
If someone wants to understand it further, they can by understanding the Kabbala and Vedic scriptures.
To all of this I say there are always exceptions - what if you are a Christian that believes in reincarnation? What is you believe if a HIgher Power creates new souls all the time?
Your thoughts are welcome.
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