Submitted by Mahaji on

Alan Oken is known world-wide for his Soul-Centered Astrology. He is a writer of books and magazine articles, translator, teacher, global traveler and international tour guide, who lectures in five languages and does natal horoscope readings. He is a member of the New Group of World Servers and a life-long student of the Work and Teachings of the Tibetan Master, Djwhal Khul and legacy of the Ancient Wisdom.
Here is a small sample of his wonderful teachings from Soul-Centered Astrology:
“The Soul is our individual link to the Essential Substance of the Creative Source. The knowledge of and identification with this Substance is achieved through consciousness whose quality is Love. The unfolding nature of this consciousness comes through various deaths and transformations which each of us has to undergo via what is known as ‘The Law of the Path of Return.’ These deaths are not physical in nature. They also take the form of emotional and mental deaths, liberating us from non-regenerative feelings, desires, thoughts, and ideas.”
“Taken as a whole, the Soul is the Middle Way. It serves both as a point of revelation and a focus of resolution between Spirit or Essence and matter or form. The Soul provides the necessary channels through which consciousness may externalize and come to know itself. This externalization results in the Grace of you and me consciously knowing ourselves. The great gift in this process of Self-awareness is that we eventually come to identify ourselves with and as Divinity in manifestation. I here speak factually not theoretically. We learn through the often-challenging dynamics of the transformation and reorientation of our lives, and that the quality of our consciousness is Love.”
“The energies of the interplay between the soul and personality determine one’s path through life. The vibrancy, challenges, and harmonies of this interchange can be seen more fully in a soul-centered approach to the delineation of the natal chart. Both the soul and personality mature through their contacts with the material world. There is a pattern to these cycles and to the underlying psychological and spiritual impulses that give rise to our various earthly experiences. The unfolding of this pattern, and the kinds of events one precipitates during a given lifetime, are very much connected to our level of soul growth and the resulting quality of our consciousness.”
“It is obvious to us all that we are living in very difficult and chaotic times. But I would like to remind everyone that there is a gigantic network of men and women of Goodwill actively at work in all areas of human endeavor for the benefit of the one Humanity. Such individuals and groups of individuals are actively and currently at work for the well-being of communities, cities, states, and nations; some are even at work on planetary levels. Many others of us are singularly aspiring toward one or another of these pathways of service. As we do so, we come into closer contact with our lives as souls and the Life of the One Soul within Whom we live and breathe and have our being.”
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