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Think of a space in your heart and that this space is filled with light. Think of the ocean as calm, or think of the stability of the earth and its immovability. The constant practice of Nonattachment and drawing the thought within when it seems to “go out” will enable one to gain control of the mind; therefore concentration results in a powerful force. - Zolar
When we speak of the law, we regard it as an abstract principle of power that we can neither represent with words nor by symbols. It is an absolute principle or the cause of being, yet it transcends all of this or that which the infinite mind conceives. There are contained in the cosmos the Three Principles: Substance, Motion and Consciousness. From these three Principles, we have manifestations of mind, energy and matter.
- The Law of Orderly Trend: Under this law, we have order in the cosmos from the Sun to the atoms, and the law of cause and effect. There is no “chance” or “accident” in the Nature of things.
- The Law of Analogy: Under this law, we have correspondence and agreement regarding various forms of manifestations and when we know one, we know “as above, so below.”
- The Law of Opposites: A thing is and it is not. A thing is subject to change; therefore it is and it is not at the same time. Also, we carry things to opposite extremes, they are alike, as in extreme light, we cannot see, or in the darkness we do not see.
- The Law of Sequence: Under this law, we learn that everything proceeds from something and is succeeded by something.
- The Law of Balance: We find that everything has its opposites: Love, Hate, Pleasure, and Pain. As we can see, it requires the opposite to give us balance.
- The Law of Cyclicity: Everything seems to move in circles, but by wisdom and strength of mind we are able to work the circles into spirals for the purpose of progress and attainment.
In application:
Man is not body nor mind but uses mind and body as an instrument to manifest in the physical world. When anyone tells you they will, “think it over” or, “I haven’t time” you know they are using an alibi. If you have clearly stated your proposition, and those to whom you are talking to are sane, they have already decided. Therefore all else they say is so much evasion or bunk. This is only one of the reasons why we must develop and use “Discrimination.” The practice of Psychology simply means to use our knowledge for the more “subtle law” and govern ourselves accordingly. The “Finer” is the cause and the “Grosser” is the effect.
All thoughts act and react upon intelligence, and the effect of the reaction is according to the nature of the active thought. How are these fine impressions to be controlled? – By raising an opposing wave. Suppose you have a big wave of anger – how are you to control or prevent it from affecting you? Think of Love. This thought is the opposite of hate, and by raising opposite waves of thought, we can conquer those which we want to reject from our minds.
By controlling our thoughts, speech is more discriminating. Speech is “Thought” in “Manifestation.” Those who control the “Finer” control the “Grosser.” When the body and mind are under control and we are calm, the better and more work we can do. We lose a great amount of energy through emotion or attachment or clinging to things. This energy should be directed to constructive works.
Life, we sometimes say is what we make it. This is an incorrect statement. We do not make “Life” but express it in various forms. What we do make or create is the state of consciousness we experienced in “Life.”
Excerpts from The Encyclopedia of Forbidden Knowledge, pgs. 138-140
- 1981 reads