Submitted by Mahaji on

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Metaphysics has always been provocative even though interest in it waxes and wanes according to the current fascination du jour of life. Why wouldn’t it be provocative? It covers everything from the masterful ancient philosophies to mathematics to psychology and to just about every woo-woo arcane topic and Sacred Science one can think of.
People often turn to metaphysics when they can’t find the answers they are looking for, most often during crisis periods. Their usual go to safe places like personal belief systems and even the popular neighborhood psychologist have failed them. If they are serious enough, they find that metaphysics takes them to places that makes them feel uncomfortable because the whole of metaphysics is about ‘what is’ AND NOT ‘what you to want to hear’. No metaphysical counselor worth their salt is going to tell you what you ‘want’ to hear to soothe your ego need for agreement. A person generally has enough friends of ‘like mind’ for that. And I ask, what good is that besides ego boosting for the spoiled inner child who simply can’t stand being wrong and finds a sense of power in it? That’s fear at its finest and most deadly.
A true study of metaphysics will call for an individual to think for him/herself deep into the mysteries of life and what actually IS and IS NOT which is of utmost importance in the big scheme of things … the Collective Choice. Teachings literally become responsibilities to oneself and others. Once one’s eyes are opened they will never be closed again simply because enhanced personal discernment won’t allow it. All of this certainly does not make a metaphysician hold some sort of a lofty stance or rank above anyone else and it does (as most valuable things do) come with its share of ridicule and lately censorship. Rather it offers solutions to be right with oneself so that can be projected to others. That means self- righteous attitudes, hatred, revenge and even vengeance gets cancelled. Not such a bad deal if you ask me yet, people are very afraid of letting go of the psychological pits they have dug for themselves. “I have a right!” they say. Yes you do. You also have an obligation to be a decent human being.
This is not so easy for many in our current time frame.
What is easy?
Listening ... Better yet? Hearing.
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