Submitted by Mahaji on

Courtest of Star Logic Astrodynamics
Whether it’s Tarot, I Ching, a Pendulum or your own personal 8-Ball… Why does it work?
There are literally hundreds of Tarot and Oracle Cards on the market today with just as many themes and creative illustration. There are just as many opinions as to the origin of the first Tarot that are born from ancient Egyptian magick to exotic gypsies who came from

QUESTION: I’m becoming very deeply involved with my current love interest. Do we have a future of commitment or marriage?
This query was posed by a young lady we shall call Mary. She had been dating a young man for nine months and she relates that all seems to be going well yet she can’t quite put her finger on why she has doubts. This is disturbing to her because she has become very involved with the young man on all levels and is looking for some direction. She feels a break at this time would be very difficult and that it would be hard to extricate herself from the relationship if necessary.
(1) QUERENT: The Venus and Earth ruled GAIA card is Mary’s signature card and represents herself quite well in that she is feeling very ready for a full relationship that could involve commitment. Her feet are firmly planted on the ground and she is open emotionally and physically. Changing and enhancing one’s appearance is also indicative of this card and when asked Mary states that she has in fact undergone a “make-over” to be more appealing sexually.
(2) QUESTED: The Aquarian and Air ruled STAR card represents the young man. It appears reversed in the spread so it indicates some problems. While it seems he is a “kindred” spirit he is hard to pin down. His emotions run hot and cold which is confusing because at times he is highly passionate and at other times cold and aloof. This is a person who needs his space from time to time and Mary should not stifle him or try to control the direction of the relationship. She also needs to know that she needs to appeal to him on an intellectual level as well as the physical level.
(3) SITUATION: The Moon and Water ruled DIVINER card relays that the relationship has strong sexual undercurrents and Mary needs to be careful that fantasy is not superseding reality. There is karma connected to this card indicating a joint destiny that has been laid down in previous lifetimes. Spiritual as well as sexual love needs to be developed so the relationship can blossom into something long term. Smothering is simply out of the question! Mary is advised to stop focusing on an “outcome.”
(4) DIFFICULTIES: The Pisces and Water ruled LUNA card is another warning of fantasy overriding reality. Mary needs to assess her partner in a more discerning fashion looking for signs of unreliability and deception. She also needs to avoid any issues of co-dependency. Another facet of this card is hidden habits such as drug dependency. Mary is positive that her young man is not drug or alcohol dependent. Another possibility is hidden enemies. Mary confided that several of her friends have been trying to get her to stop dating the young man but she feels the reason is jealousy.
(5) OUTCOME: The Taurus and Earth ruled MONK card relayed that some unwelcome changes could take place and that Mary should remain committed to her SELF only at the current time. A crisis was likely to occur that would require rethinking along less conventional lines. Any break that occurred should be viewed as “necessary” because the status quo was very likely to change. Commitment or marriage would need to be put on the back burner and spontaneity brought to the forefront. It would be out with the old and in with the new. Mary would have to learn not to question any changes but rather to go with the flow.
(6) FUTURE: The Jupiter and Fire and Water ruled FORTUNE card indicates unexpected surprises. Two days after her reading, Mary found out that one of her friends was coming on sexually to her young man which was a shock. That friendship has been broken and Mary feels it is for the best. This card always speaks of expansion. When Mary was asked if she and the young man were planning a trip she was quite surprised and said, “YES!” The trip will be a good thing and Mary is advised that both of them should open up to new people and places to avoid restlessness in the partnership. It is also advised that they do not move in together for the time being as one of both of them could become interested in dating other people OR that one or both of them may be pulled away from the relationship due to unexpected external circumstances. This card actually shows that the relationship is quite positive. It will only grow if both people are free within the relationship at the current time. Mary was understandably upset by this card and the MONK card but became less so when it was explained to her that this card also had karmic implications concerning “cause and effect.” Both cards indicated necessary change but did not necessarily signal negativity. If she could accept possible change within the relationship and put aside all of her focus on an “outcome” things might bode well.
Several months later Mary called to say that her young man left the
So what is really going on here? Are Oracle readers capable of tapping into the Divine or are they just good psychologists with plenty of people savvy and common sense? Why is it that a person can have a Tarot reading from one person and then have an independent astrological or numerological reader from another person and the same information and advice will come forth?
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