Submitted by Mahaji on
There are many attitudes and thoughts out there today about the 45th of the USA, President Donald J. Trump both positive and negative for various reasons both substantive and superficial. Any objective metaphysician understands that on all levels President Trump is a Karmic Agent smack dab in the middle of the changes ongoing in America. We're getting what we need and certainly what we deserve. Not an easy job no matter which way any individual decides to personally spin it. It has come time for change – like it or not.
It is not in the least bit surprising that the internet is full of speculation regarding the possible past lives of Donald Trump. These range from just plain silly and in some cases merely amusing or even entertaining. Astrologers, numerologists, psychics and even handwriting analysts have all jumped on the bandwagon touting their finds. It must be noted that it has been my observation when reading hundreds of these analysis posts that even though the analyzer tries very hard to remain neutral, personal feelings and preferences always seem to trickle out even in subtle ways in each analysis. That is part of the human condition but a reader should always bear this in mind when discerning any article of the “analysis genre.”
Let’s have a look:
On Joseph Dewey posts an article regarding the speculative possibility that the handwriting analysis of President Trump might bear similarity to that of Benito Mussolini. Amusingly, as indicated at the end of his article, Dewey states that it was brought to his attention that Putin was also Mussolini although there is no evidence for this. Regarding “45” he says: “It is not impossible that Trump was Mussolini, but there is just not enough evidence to take it seriously” … further … “I have examined a number of people I have suspected of being a certain person in a past life and it is rare that two writings are close enough to be taken seriously.”
Ahhh … common sense prevails.
Shaman/Psychic Frances Fox of espouses in her article that President Trump was a court jester in a past who was “… very intelligent and had a gift for words and he was a natural entertainer. He came from a lower station so he could not attain the level he wanted to enter the court so he improvised and entertained with language and brilliant insights, making the court laugh.” According to Fox, he was too clever and made enemies among those is high places and lost his jester job for which he still harbors resentment.
James Munro, a specialist in esoteric religion and philosophy feels President Trump was Emperor Flavius Magnus Maximus Augustus according to a combo past life astrology delineation/Tarot/ pendulum reading which can been seen in full @ . Noted is: “In Trump's 12th House, the House most closely associated with Karma, with what we are carrying forward from our past lives into this life, we find the two planets Mars and Pluto. Mars here indicates aggressiveness and assertiveness, while Pluto in this position very likely means having been important, and probably having been associated with war as a king or an emperor or a pope or a general – the same as Mars!”
Clairvoyant Andrew Brewer believes “The Donald” was Jorge Ubico Castañeda, a general in the Guatemalan army. According to Brewer, Castañeda died on June 14, 1946, the day Trump was born. Depending upon one’s view of reincarnation, this is either significant or not. Read the article in full herehttp:// . Mr. Brewer uses astrology in his article and photographic facial similarities to make points.
Psychic/Medium Vera Espana and Angel Artist Christina Simonds talk Donald Trump's past life in this video. Ms. Espana channels that Mr. Trump was a Mexican rebel in a past life “who cared about the people.”
According to an article on Mr. Trump was George Washington. Noted in this article is the observation that: “We should not look back unless it is to derive useful lesson from past errors, and for the purpose of profiting from dearly bought experience ... These words of George Washington have a familiar Trump-like ring to them.”
Jeanice Barcelo, a researcher, writer, educator, and activist proposes that Donald Trump was General George Patton in a past life. Her case is made here:
Adversely, there are others out there on the net who believe Trump was Hitler. Most of these are hate posts which will not be offered in this blog as that whole opinion is not only old but a disrespectful analogy that can be made to any person let alone the President of the USA.
Kurt Cobb, author, speaker, and columnist, suggests Trump was former President John Tyler. An interesting point here: “Those hostile to Tyler nicknamed him ‘His Accidency.’ It is fairly clear from the reaction to Trump’s victory that few people expected him to become president.” The article may be read here:
Jeremy Egerer proposes Donald Trump's likeness to Aaron Burr. This is an article based upon the rather dastardly life of Burr in American history and the author's opinion that, "Donald Trump's character as a political figure has yet to be proved ... I don't believe that Donald Trump is the worst candidate in the world. In certain respects, he may even be the best. In terms of trickery, he appears superior to Burr."
So, what do you think readers? Are you even concerned in the least about any past lives our new President may have lived?
I'm not.
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