Submitted by Mahaji on
How much do you trust your intuition when faced with new people and situations? I am not referring to empathic abilities since those are generally clouded by one’s emotional filter and past conditioning. I’m talking about that good old gut feeling you get immediately upon first contact.
I have always been open to the Universe when it came to meeting new people, either by my own actions or just by what has come my way externally. You never stop meeting new people until you leave the planet so why not have some fun with it?! That said, Facebook seems to be an avenue for an influx of new people generally via the “mutual friends” option which enables adding someone new. I am not saying anyone should run around with reckless abandon carelessly accepting what comes one’s way. Discernment is a good tool but what happens when you ignore your “gut” and find yourself with someone new to your list that doesn’t feel quite … well … real?
People are not always what they seem or are trumped up to be...
Such was the case for me a while ago. I accepted an acquaintance with someone who was connected to other newbies I had just connected with who were pretty stellar by all accounts but, right from the get go, something seemed off about this particular person. When I looked at their photo/avatar I was immediately turned off … couldn’t put my finger on it but turned off all the same. Within 24 hours of accepting the “friendship” I was bombarded with requests to “LIKE” this person’s voluminous amount of various ‘pages’ touting her metaphysical expertise. While this included a few areas I have little respect for, no big deal, right? Everyone has the right to make a buck. I was reluctant to check off “like” but did so telling myself it was an act of charity.
As time went on more and more info about this person came to light, none of it positive by my personal standards. I took the time to watch a few videos – an interview and one or two directional pieces made by this “metaphysician.” I was neither impressed with the instructive videos and was bored with the “I, I, I” interview. Do I think there is anything wrong with self promotion? No, but this did tend to wax rather nauseating. I also began to observe certain behaviors on another website that clearly displayed ulterior motives and a strong need for power and importance. I enjoy self confident people as a whole but this individual was fast moving towards monster and was and is unfortunately being enabled to do it.
‘Well’, I said to myself, ‘To each his/her own … good luck and let me know how that ends up working for you …’
Try as I may to avoid any further contact of any type which included, eliminating the Facebook ‘friendship’ and cancelling all my likes, this person kept popping up in my face regardless of these attempts … so much for closing karmic doors when a few windows managed to stay open. It was time for further clearing so I contacted two close friends who know me better than anyone on the planet and who have never refrained from kicking me in my celestial buttocks. I asked them to help me both discern and perhaps bring validation as to why I simply had such an aversion to this person. Here is what was revealed:
Friend 1: “This woman represents everything you dislike about metaphysics, her phony demeanor, power tripping and attempts to social climb. Bottom line – you didn’t pay attention to your personal meter of what is accepted and what is fraud.”
Okay, bad on me. I hadn’t paid attention. It’s never too late and at least I had now shut the doors and would finish sealing the windows.
Friend 2 said four words.
Friend 2: “She has soulless eyes.”
That stopped me dead in my tracks as I realized that it was indeed her eyes that bothered me right from day one.
Side note observation: With that last statement this blog hit 666 words.
My advice – Your initial impression (mental) may be wrong at times BUTalways pay attention to your initial gut response. It is never wrong.
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