Submitted by Olivia on
At the beginning of my interest in paranormal investigation I did a lot of reading. I perused many periodicals, magazines and books and spent many hours at university and local libraries. One of the stories that always fascinated me was that of Margo Williams. She was an extraordinary woman who used her psychic abilities in the release of earth-bound spirits and is said to have helped in the release of thousands of lost ‘ghosts’ on the Isle of Wight, England. On occasion, artifacts that belonged to the earth-bound in their previous lives were found. The following are some of Margo’s adventures from notes from my collected files.
Margo had been psychic since childhood but her abilities seemed to kick in later in life. On occasion she could see spirits but she always heard them even if she could not see them. She is considered one of the world’s most powerful psychics and was often called by homeowners, businesses and also the Government to help remove presences that were often troublesome. She never went anywhere without pencil and paper.
It all started in 1976 when Margo who was busy in her kitchen, heard a woman’s voice say, “My name is Jane.” There was no one else in the house but Margo suddenly had an overwhelming urge to pick up a pencil and start writing down what the transient voice was saying. At first little sense could be made of the messages but ‘Jane’ kept visiting – over 70 times further relaying more and more information which was later validated in existing historic records. Eventually Jane was joined by other beings from all walks of life some of who could be tracked back as far as AD 1500.
In 1978, Margo and her husband Wally upon request of a friend Jenny Gibbons decided to visit Alppuldurcombe House, a ruin in Wroxall on the Isle of Wight. Appuldurcombe House has a long history. It began as a priory in 1100. It became a convent, then the Elizabethan home of the Leigh family. The large Tudor mansion was bequeathed in 1690 to Sir Robert Worsley, 3rd Baronet. The present house was begun in 1702. Sir Robert never saw the house fully completed. He died on 29 July 1747. The house was greatly extended in the 1770s by his great nephew Sir Richard Worsley, 7th Baronet of Appuldurcombe.
In a previous visit, Gibbons had felt uneasy at the site and wanted Margo to see if she could pick anything up. Margo with pad in hand began hearing a voice almost immediately.
The voice lamented that she was looking for ‘Richard’ who had wooed, her a mere dairymaid and deflowered by a clump of trees. She gave birth to his child who she named Thomas but Richard seemed to care not and tried to satisfy her by giving her money. The woman claimed her name was Mary Targett and that she would never leave the house until she found Richard.
During research by the Williamses it was uncovered that a Mary Targett did indeed exist. Richard Worsely was a governor of the island around the 1550s and in a book titled The Oglander memoirs, there was a chapter dedicated to the Worsely family history stated that Richard had produced a bastard son named Thomas by a dairymaid called Mary Targett. Further investigation revealed that Richard had died in 1565 and was buried on the island. When the trio went to look for Worsely’s grave, Margo felt that Mary had gone with them. Using Richard’s tomb as a writing table a final message from Mary Targett came through:
I have found ‘ee Richard! Thank ‘ee, thank ‘ee … I can go onwards. Richard I love ‘ee.
In the months that followed that year, Margo visited many other sites and took dictation. Out of 33 earthbound spirits, 12 were able to be identified by her husband Wally who used Parish records and other archives. Most of them also announced that they had been released.
And so it continued over the years …
At the Old Park Hotel on the island Margo was confronted by the Smoking Man who turned out to be a man named James who loved the ladies even in the afterlife and was not at all shy to say so. He seemed to enjoy pulling skirts and touching ankles but as styles changed over the years and women had become so brazen as to wear shorter skirts the fun had gone out of it. Apparently, James had been waiting for Margo to send him on and on he did go.
The Honeymoon suite and the Restaurant of Old Park also had ghosts in need of release. The Honeymoon Suite was haunted by a disgruntled bride whose husband had left her alone on the honeymoon night for two hours and had come back smelling of cheap perfume. Furious, the bride stabbed him in the arm leaving him with a scar. The woman died three years later and claimed that when she died the truth was revealed to her that her husband did not cheat on her but had stopped to help a girl who had dropped her bag. There was a bottle of perfume with a loose stopper in the bag and when the husband stopped to pick it up, the perfume had spilled on his cuffs. The bride decided to haunt the room which many guest over the years who stayed in it claimed to smell the scent of perfume. The ghost bride was ready to move on and Margo obliged.
The Restaurant had a mischievous ghost who liked to cause trouble. In life he had been an unwelcome guest at the hotel because he always complained about the food and the service … the least little thing was reported. He also enjoyed getting people in trouble and enjoyed scaring people during his special brand of haunting. When he confronted Margo he complained about having to leave and move on. He clearly harbored a grudge.
The ghost of a maidservant who took care of children haunted the grounds of Old Park. She wore a long gray dress and white apron had often been seen by guests. The legend about her claims she was seduced by a family member and hung herself in the attic however the ghost claimed she was seduced by ‘Johnny’ who worked in the garden and left her pregnant and moved away. Ashamed she took her own life. She claimed that she had been held back from Heaven and would accept help to move towards the light.
Margo was a spiritual pioneer and etheric servant. She passed away in 2009.
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