Submitted by Opir on

This is the story of a haunted house that remained under a Masonic bind spell since the 1800's and Runic symbols of protection that assisited in dispelling and quelling the negative energies that were afflicting its current residents.
Atchison is a small town to the north-east of Kansas, founded in 1854 and inhabits an estimated 10,000 residents. Over the 150 years since, the historical town has gained national recognition for being the bedrock of unexplained, supernatural phenomenon.
In an episode of 'Haunting in the Heartland', Steve Shippy, author and paranormal expert travels to the most haunted town in Kansas to help brother-sister duo Keli and Rob Adams with their uncanny plight. The Adams are owners of the Dilgert house and believe that the establishment harbors dark secrets after they fall victim to unpleasant happenings.The siblings acquired the antique house in a rundown state and decided to go about renovating it to bring it back to its former glory.
The Binding
Adam Dilgert, a German immigrant who arrived in Atchison somewhere in the late 1850s, was the town's first contractor and stonemason. He was very well-respected and practically laid the foundation for the community. He had a limestone quarry and is accredited for most of the town's infrastructures built between 1866 and 1894. He built a modest home for his family — his wife Mary and daughter Barbara — in 1880. His great-niece Frances also lived there.
Dilgert had served in the Civil War and it was European tradition to inlay boots into the infrastructure of the house as a form of protection. As soon as the boots were discovered, Keli said the eerie unexplainable activities began to occur and they would often see shadowy figures in their periphery.
With the help of a German psychic Claudia, Shippy learns that Gilgert was very possessive of the house and set down a Masonic Binding spell so he could remain eterneally attached to it. He used the boots as part of it.
The Adams' hired many contractors and workers who suddenly quit complaining about bizarre experiences like hearing footsteps, seeing shadowy apparitions and even the mysterious appearance of a mangled blackbird.
When workers began to fix-up the basement, they found old cavalry boots from beneath the floorboards of the original living room. Such boots were also worn by stonemasons of that time.
The basement of the house is a whole different story. The basement feels thicker with dark aura compared to the rest of the house.Keli and Rob believe that it is the epicenter of all the supernatural incidents they've encountered. The contractors would hear footsteps or feel an occasional grab or a pull. When they would try to walk out of the basement, a force would try to pull them back towards it.
Rob even explained an incident where he once stood at the bottom of the stairs to the basement and his pants had been pulled down. Keli described a certain area within the basement as being especially "dark, thick, negative and foreboding" and also claimed that it emotionally overwhelmed her.
Shippy accompanied the siblings to the basement and noticed the room began to heat up. Rob and Keli both felt tingles spread across their body and began shaking, while they were engaged in a conversation.
As it turned out, the basement was the epi-center of negative activity. With the help of Claudia who felt the activity needed to be quelled so the house and its in habitants could be protected from the masonic binding, runic symbols of protection were drawn on the four basement walls as well as the area in the floor where the boots had been buried.

Bind Rune of Protection
The protection bind rune combines two powerful runes: the splayed hand of Algiz and Sowulo, the lifeforce. Together, these runes form a single character that is believed to generate inner strength and ward off negative energies.
The use of bind runes is not a new concept. In fact, it’s an ancient practice that dates back to the early use of runes as an alphabet. Essentially, a bind rune is a symbol composed of several runes overlaid, one on top of another, to form a single character. This technique was used by the ancient Norse to create powerful symbols of protection, strength, and other desirable qualities.
The result? Negative activity ceased.
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