Submitted by Oscar on

You know who you are.
You know what you have done.
Karma is just hanging out waiting to discipline you like an old papa … but when?
Most people have a decent handle about Karmic meaning and some are a little more advanced about it. Those who are caught up in the frail emotions that propagate vengeful acts at a particular moment in human-time seem to be very good at ignoring it altogether because even though vengeance is a short-lived pleasure it is still a pleasure none-the-less. Some wonder if what they did unfairly to poor little Timmy next door thirty five years ago will ever be delivered pay back.
NOTE: He still carries that nickname you gave him, but hey, his life seems just fine. No harm done … little Timmy probably doesn’t even remember how he lost friends for years because of what you did … probably forgave the incident and the aftermath, OR is he, somewhere in the deep recesses of his Self of selves holding you bound for retribution in another space and time? OOPS! See you next time!
Sometimes people wonder if and when Karma will act on their behalf with a swift blow to those who have offended them. Karma has a way of ignoring a person is lying in wait for satisfaction yet, seems to perform with aplomb for those who are not looking, hoping, waiting and dreaming of some action.
From 1968 -1973, comedians Dan Rowan and Dick Martin (may they both rest in peace in Comedy Heaven), hosted a variety show called Laugh-In. I caught the show in reruns as a young kid and remember it fondly. On that show they introduced the Flying Fickle Finger of Fate Award. It is often described as “flipping the bird” in salute to the dubious achievements of famous people. No one was safe and no one was exempt … just like no one is safe or exempt from Karma. I always longed to give the Finger to my brother who was older and wiser and a wicked jester but I never got the opportunity.
I think the Flying Fickle Finger of Fate Award was a manifestation of Karma – served up as little warning pokes, reminders of failure and slaps on the hand. Here are a few from the archives of TV-land via
The Flying Fickle Of Fate Award went to members of the New York Police Department who sleep while on duty.
The Flying Fickle Finger Of Fate went to the voters of Youngstown, Ohio for failing to vote in a school-tax increase for the sixth time in two years, despite the city not having enough money to keep schools open between Thanksgiving and New Year's and having antiquated textbooks.
The Flying Fickle Finger Of Fate Award went to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, for 'deciding there's absolutely no difference between men and women' when they said that classified ads could no longer be separated into men's and women's headings.
The Flying Fickle Finger Of Fate Award went to the Bureau of Land Management for requiring the Shoshone Indian tribe to get a permit and pay a tax on the pine nuts they gather, despite the tribe having guaranteed the right to pick them by treaty; the nuts being a basic food of their diet.
The Flying Fickle Finger Of Fate Award went to the drug industry for spending $600 million on advertising and raising prices of medicine to pay for it.
The Flying Fickle Finger Of Fate Award went to the toy manufacturers of America for bringing sayings such as 'You can't have a doll without all the wonderful outfits that go with it' to the children of America through television.
The Flying Fickle Finger Of Fate Award went to the OK Sewing Company of Omaha, NE, who gave away shotguns as a promotion for their sewing machines.
The Flying Fickle Finger Of Fate Award went to the Senate Judiciary Committee for watching a lewd movie while in session.
The Flying Fickle Finger Of Fate Award went to the chief of the Ohio corrections system for blaming prison riots on 'outside influences.'
The Flying Fickle Finger Of Fate Award went to the Florida State Division of Family Services for denying Medicaid benefits because they cannot provide a projected date of death.
The Flying Fickle Finger Of Fate Award went to the Meadow View Wildlife Preserve for training ducks to eat by honking a horn, putting them in a tower, having them come out by honking the horn, and shooting them when they come out.
The Flying Fickle Finger Of Fate Award went to the National Security Agency, because a Washington real estate developer called the Russian embassy and got the exact number of people working at the NSA facility at Ft. Mead after they wouldn't give him the info.
The Flying Fickle Finger Of Fate Award went to the Departments of Motor Vehicles of various states for selling the names and addresses of people to mail order houses to send junk mail.
The Flying Fickle Finger Of Fate Award went to the Pentagon for spending $9 billion on projects that were scrapped, as well as Congress for giving more money to them than to the poverty, educations and housing programs combined.
The Flying Fickle Finger Of Fate went to the Winchester Rifle Company for making a shotgun for kids.
The Flying Fickle Finger Of Fate Award went to the Texas State Legislature, for approving, without a dissenting vote, a resolution praising Albert DiSalvo, better known as the Boston Strangler, for 'noted activities and unconventional techniques involving population control.' One representative was trying to illustrate how carelessly state legislators sign obscure special bills, but the state legislature voted it unanimously.
Sounds like the Karmic ruler whacking knuckles to me.
Thanks for reading!
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