Submitted by Reever on
Image by Wolfgang Eckert from Pixabay
Here is an interesting summary by Tom Montalk of regarding alien characteristics verified through personal experience.
1. Telepathy: Can read your mind, influence your thoughts and feelings.
2. Cloaking: Can be in your room, phased out, watching and influencing.
3. Variability: Can make themselves fully physical, fully ethereal or in-between.
4. Precognition: Can see probable futures hours and days in advance and act accordingly.
5. Abduction: Can take your body, or just your soul, to their ships and bases.
6. Paralysis: Can induce and control sleep paralysis, like during the onset of abductions.
7. OBE: Can induce out-of-body experiences and be seen from that state even when they’re cloaked.
8. Pets: Can be seen/felt by pets even when they’re cloaked; pets react with fear or hostility.
9. Mind-wipe: Can erase memories of an abduction, induce forgetfulness at other key moments.
10. Visitation: Can visit in bedroom while you sleep to implant or telepathically program you.
11. Induction: Can temporarily switch you on physically simply by being in their proximity.
12. Relativity: Can locally alter the rate of time or scale of space.
13. Ear-ringing: Can induce an ear-ringing when they telepathically scan you.
14. Implants: Can install physical or etheric implants to track, monitor, influence.
15. Synchronicity: Can manipulate multiple people into coming at you with a common agenda.
16. Interference: Can bring together and break up friendships, relationships and networks.
17. Hallucinations: Can telepathically induce controlled hallucinations and manipulated dreams.
18. Electronics: Can cause unexplained glitches, errors, shutdowns in recording devices.
19. Lies: Can give false info on who they are, who you are, the past, present and the future
20. Tug of war: Can be in conflict with other alien factions and agendas; there’s more than one side.
I'm an abductee since ~6 months old. I have conscious memories (no hypnotic regression) of the beginning and endings of abductions up to about age 5 with fragments of what happened during. All subsequent abductions, I only have small fragments but lots of pre/side/after-effects.
Things to consider:
- The most official, credible, authoritative sources are also the furthest behind the curve. Look at university textbooks often decades out of date vs. the latest scientific papers, which themselves are way behind what's only now being discovered by researchers.
- Charles Fort in the early 1900s concluded that Earth is a farm and we're somebody else's property. Gurdjieff and Mouravieff said our lifeforce is being fed upon. Here's the infamous text by Robert Monroe on Earth being a loosh energy farm:
I find the following helpful: 1. Calmly anticipate, prepare to deal with, and catch problems before they happen. Just being aware of it can often prevent it from happening. 2. Be a good person and keep your vices on a tight leash. Integrity builds protection, karma lowers it. 3. Set your intention (or do a prayer) before going on a trip, going to sleep, starting a project, starting your day, etc. Otherwise you're indirectly giving permission for something else to interfere. 4. Yes, "raise your vibes" through prayer, meditation, dance, gratitude, etc.
Special Note: Even more important would be a list of their limitations based on those rare times when they display imperfections, mistakes, frustrations, retreat, confusion, hesitancy, and so on. I think that's the most important info we could have, as it reveals what they don't want revealed.
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