Submitted by Reever on
By U.S. Government - Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum 1953-1961 photographs, image page, direct image (72-901-1). Original upload URL here., Public Domain,
On 21 February 1954 President Dwight Eisenhower signed the Greada Treaty after a meeting with Alien Greys. Eisenhower had 3 meetings with extraterrestrial races following that ‘First Contact’ meeting.
Now, almost 64 years later, the former President’s great granddaughter, Laura Eisenhower, is sharing more of her and her Great Grandfather's stories. The Greada Treaty is signed every 10 years, and the ways in which it impacts upon the world and humanity is shocking. The President requested the formation of an alien supervisory board. Some believe it is out of this that MJ 12 was formed to make sure to keep Eisenhower out of the loop.
According to the
"Eisenhower, who was president from 1953 to 1961, is known to have had a strong belief in life on other planets.
The former five-star general in the United States Army who commanded the Allied Forces in Europe during the Second World War, was also keen on pushing the U.S. space programme.
His meeting with the cosmic life forms is said to have taken place while officials were told that he was on vacation in Palm Springs, California, in February 1954.
The initial meeting is supposed to have taken place with aliens who were 'Nordic' in appearance, but the agreement was eventually 'signed' with a race called 'Alien Greys'. "
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