Submitted by Rev. Micah Allard on

http://Image by Anh Lê khắc from Pixabay
Turkey, family, friends and football typically go hand in hand with Thanksgiving. And while those are all wonderful aspects of the holiday if you celebrate it, let’s not forget the metaphysical lessons that the holiday is based on. Thanksgiving is about giving thanks, and showing appreciation for all of our blessings.
Giving thanks isn’t just about being politically correct even though one of the first things a child learns from his or her parents is to say ‘thank you.’ Rather giving thanks recognizes a Spiritual Law: That which we appreciate and give thanks for grows. Law of Attraction practitioners know that what we focus on grows in our lives. But appreciation is even stronger than mere focus. When we appreciate something, it REALLY grows in our lives.
So how can we use this to our advantage?
- First of all, we should remember to show appreciation everyday and not just on Thanksgiving. But it is good to have a holiday that is devoted to this particular law.
- When we’re feeling down about something or our vibration is low, giving thanks for the things that are going well in our lives is a great way to immediately raise our vibration. Appreciation can only be felt at a high level of vibration. Try it – next time you feel down, start thinking about things that you’re grateful for and you will start to feel better.
- Write down the things you are grateful for. Keep a gratitude journal. There is something so powerful about writing something down as it records your thoughts permanently.
- If you really want to advance your use of Spiritual Law, give thanks for those things that you desire that have not manifested yet. You know they’re coming, right? Remember, expectation is a crucial ingredient to your manifestation toolkit. You have to know that your desire is already on the way. One great way to do that is to thank God, the Universe or whatever higher power you believe in in advance. A friend of mine often says ‘dance in advance.’
Spiritual Law is designed to help us to live more enlightened lives and to evolve. Appreciation and thanksgiving are powerful tools in that quest.
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