Submitted by SHABDA - Preceptor on
May 29 is 7 Cauac/Kawoq. It’s often in the midst of a rainstorm that you find the greatest inner peace, or that insight or inspiration you were looking for... for rainstorms wash away everything but the source. With Uuc’s ability to see things from all angles and Cauac’s sweeping, massive force, your soul gets a power-wash today. Everything that has ever held you back is blasted away: all the layers of self-deception, insecurity, weakness, and fear, all the dirt and grime of guilt and shame, all the toxins of others’ poisons. The onslaught isn’t easy to take, especially if you’ve got a lot of layers built up—and it may take a few rounds of the Tzolk’in; but trust the energies to do their job and you’ll come out squeaky clean.
Mayan Rosetta Stone:
Ben rules this current Trecena (13 days starting May 23). For details on this trecena, see
Cauac = The Tzolkin day sign for "Rainstorm" in Yucatec Maya.
Kawoq = The K'iche' Maya equivalent of "Cauac."
Uuc = The Number 7 in Yucatec.
Wukub' = The Number 7 in K'iche'.
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