Submitted by SHABDA - Preceptor on

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Initially I was going to call this post 'Birth of a Nation'. However "Rebirth of a Nation" is perhaps more accurate. But you won't understand this without first examining something known as the 60 year cycle.
We are going to be briefly looking at this major cycle within the ECK-Vidya, Tibetan Astrology and the Wheel of Life.
This major cycle is known as the Rabjung which is actually a Tibetan term. Paul Twitchell highlights this in "The ECK-Vidya, Ancient Science of Prophecy". More specifically it can be found in the ninth chapter titled 'The Sacred Numbers of the ECK-Vidya'.
Tibetan Astrology is based upon a 60 year cycle. It is regarded not just as a major cycle but as a complete cycle. What does this mean? Perhaps it is easier for us to understand the sixty year cycle of the calendar when we visualize this as the face of a clock.
The first number that comes to mind when looking at a clock is 12. There are of course twelve major divisions in our representation of time. But if we look closer one finds that each of the twelve divisions on a clockface is further divided into increments of 5. Thus one complete cycle on the face of a clock is equal to 12 x 5 which is equal to 60.
There are 60 seconds in a minute and there are 60 minutes in an hour. Human time is set within the greater cycles of the cosmos. Whether we are speaking of the ECK Vidya, the Wheel of Life or Tibetan Astrology it all interrelates.
Rather than go into lengthy interpretations of what Paul Twitchell has said in "The ECK- Vidya, Ancient Science of Prophecy" it is preferable just to give several quotations. His words can speak for themselves.
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"The vibratory chants of the ECK sounds are based upon the numbers of 3, 9, 12, and sometimes 60. The latter 60 vibrations is the highest one can go, and it's seldom anyone in the human body can get himself up this high; if he does it means the body can be burned to a crisp. If one can learn to use words or symbols which signify the number 60 it's possible that he can have a long life, beyond the human space allotted to man today." (1)
"The number 60 is another important number in the ECK-Vidya works. It is represented by a wheel called the 'wheel of life' or the 'wheel of fortune'. It is that which actually is called the heart of the SUGMAD, the dwelling place of the unknown deity. It is here that the Mahanta, the Living ECK Master is born and comes forth upon the earth as the Godman.
This is the number 12 multiplied five times which brings into life the greatest of all avatars, and who uplifts mankind with his presence in the world. This is the works of ECK, which springs from the heart of the SUGMAD, the esoteric teachings from which all other religions and philosophies are the offspring, and the foundation essence of all life." (2)
"This is why the number 60 is almost impossible to talk about in terms of the written word, because so few know what it means and can grasp whatever words can be said about it." (3)
"The number 60 is that which is in relationship with all things in all universes, and none can escape it." (4)
Quotes (1, 2, 3 and 4) from "The ECK-Vidya, Ancient Science of Prophecy", Chapter Nine, Pages 133, 142, 143, and 144.
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Recently an ECK Initiate private messaged me wondering if I had any insights to share with him in regards to the somewhat archetypal and chaotic events occurring in the United States of America.
Now it can honestly be said---although some might disagree---that the U.S. is the strongest nation on the planet. Or at least it has been. This being the case, whatever direction that the United States goes in will be a determining factor for the rest of the world. Karma or cause and effect is as relevant for individuals as it is for entire countries.
I am no astrologer. But the time of birth plays a significant role when examining the cycles of life which unfold for an individual or a nation. As in astrology, a major part of the ECK Vidya is in understanding the cyclical nature of our lives. In fact the time of our birth is the foundation stone from which all proceeds.
But what of the United States of America? The 'birth of the nation' occured in 1776. It is from this natal date that we can see some interesting correspondence in the context of the cycles of the ECK Vidya and the Rabjung or the 60 year cycles.
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Question from an ECK Initiate:
"Hey, Mark, I've been feeling a lot of 1776, American Revolution, vague but pretty solid.
It struck me today that this year is 144 years, 12 cycles of 12 since the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Do you have any insights? ECK Vidya...
Oops. My math brain is off 244 years it's not 144."
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My Answer:
"Even though it is not 144 years....and not twelve cycles of twelve....I am sure if you looked deeply enough you might find some interesting things. Although I have insights on the ECK Vidya....numbers need to be approached methodically and it takes much time.
It is perhaps of significance that 4 cycles of 60 have just been completed in 2017 which was the pivotal year of Trump's first election. 60 is a major cycle in the ECK Vidya and four cycles of 60 to me also suggests completion.
In other words an entirely new cycle of Being began for the United States in 2017."
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All of Life is patterned upon cycles. From the 'birth of the nation' in 1776 four complete cycles of the Rabjung (4 x 60=240) brought America to the pivotal year of 2016. This represents the time of election for the 45th President of the United States.
2017 represents not only the inauguration of the new president but also the completion of four complete turnings of the cycle of 60.
Regardless of how one interprets the events of history---both past and present---the ending of one major cycle and the birth of another ushers in changes of a profound nature. They aren't always smooth. They often come with birthpangs.
The 45th President has turned the political world on its head. He represented a complete upset to all that had come in the past. An old cycle had completed itself. And not just a minor cycle but in some ways as major as it gets.
So in many ways his presidential debute in 2017 was not just a personal milestone for him, but also---cyclically speaking---represents the "Rebirth of a Nation". The United States of America had completed four major cycles of the Rabjung. And it is now entering into a whole new phase within the Wheel of Time.
Some may joke that this is more like a death. But on the Bhava Chakra---the Wheel of Karma and Reincarnation---death and life intermingle. Without death there can be no rebirth. As the cosmic wheels turn the cycles of the past fall into oblivion. And from the ashes of the fire arises the Phoenix. So often compared to the Eagle, the symbol of the United States of America, the Phoenix represents the rebirth of Life.
And, in this case,---if all goes as planned---the "Rebirth of a Nation".
Love in ECK. Mark Bernhardt.

Reprinted with the author's permission
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