Submitted by SHABDA - Preceptor on
Much can be said of the area beyond matter, energy, time and space, that state of consciousness that exists beyond duality, but almost none of what can be said on the subject is a direct truth, but is rather more of a parable, or example meant to demonstrate an aspect of the Beingness of this world. It is key that one develop charity, or detached love for all of life, as well as be successful in developing a degree of detachment in life, in general. If a painful thing happens, it's no better liked, but it can be learned from and is therefore a means to attaining a benefit, so one remains detached, especially from material things or goals.It isnt that one is cold and doesnt care, but rather that theyre allowing freedom for that situation instead . By a detached and loving attitude on life, one can catch the invisible winged seeds that float upon the wind. For just as the wind takes thousands of seeds to their resting places in nature, so the Stream of God, the Shabd, brings with It a spiritual germ of vitality, that rests imperceptibly upon the love of man. Some seeds are lost and perish, but most fall on good Souls and grow.
Here it must be noted, that as the Soul develops, It has to balance the books on It's karma, as well as go through experiences to help it gain strength, but must also develop love, and truly nurture and develop it so that it can shine into and through all things
The aspects of Spirit, the Shabd or Logos that can be described verbally are It's Wisdom,Power, and Freedom, and the same terms can be used to describe the Soul as an individual entity amongst the makeup of the Holy Flow as It issues forth from It's Fountainhead. The Soul existing in the state makes full use of the Hereness, Nowness, and It's very Beingness in this realm or area, two terms used to express an area of space, things which this world has none of.This is most often the problem faced by one who wishes to communicate to others any aspect of what it means to be aware on this level of consciousness.
It is here that one experiences theire true self, the Soul, and is able to have the experience of "I am That" also known as the Oneness or sight of the One, the first manifestation of the Godhead, having no form, and yet being spoken of as having a sort of form, one hair on It's head being brighter than ten billion-physical suns.This is Sat Nam, the true father God of all creation below it, and still not the fullness of the Godhead, the Absolute ITSELF.
To enter this state of consciousness the Soul must drop all of it's lower forms, it's lower bodies, and the corresponding states of consciousness and their limitations along with them.In this state one experiences a full and complete bliss, coupled with a knowingness of anything the instant the attention touches upon it, and the individual is flooded and filled with such a complete love for all of life and all that is that it simply cant be contained, it must be shared, and this also keeps the balance of inflow and outflow of the Spirit.To attain this state one must surrender the ego completely to the Divine Will of the Shabd, with full trust that It will provide everything needed in every instant.
This plane is aflood with the brightest of golden light, but such a fine color of gold, that in comparison to any hue in the lower planes, this color would be the brightest of whites, but within it appears as a golden hue of color, that becomes more pure and more refined the further up and in one goes towards the Absolute, until it is nothing but the purest of white.
Throughout these inner planes it is immediately apparent that duality doesnt exist, there is not a Soul to be met that isnt filled with the quality of genuine divine love, from whom IT issues forth with a constancy.There is no darkness, from an absence of light to a dark sort of attitude to be found, only growth in ever greater degrees of love and service to all that is.
As one goes through their spiritual "training", going through each lesson and balancing the karma and learning what remains to be learned, the Soul evolves in it's ability to give love and service to all life, and as the karmic scales are balanced, the lessons given to surpass a karmic debt also serves the purpose of helping that Soul grow closer to the point where it will have the chance to get across the final void and into the pure spiritual planes, the true heaven or paradise that Soul originated from. The Soul, or Atma Plane is the first of those made of pure spirit, with no need for balancing, as the original balancing of karma opened the way, in part, for this Soul Aware state to take place
After Self Realization at the Soul Plane, Soul goes on evolving in love from the Atma Lok, through the Alakh Lok and to Agam Lok , the endless world, where that Soul has a spiritual initiation, and realizes Itself to be nothing more than an atom in the makeup of the Shabd, a unit of awareness of God's Song, God in action throughout the planes.A Soul generally stays on this plane forever, this being the highest state reached, but at times a Soul will elect to develop higher and will return to being incarnated into a form for a physical life, that being the quickest way to advance in a spiritual sense.If a Soul needs to go even further, It's detachment wont allow it to be held and It will continue.
Upon reaching the Anami Lok, or nameless plane, the state of God Realization begins to express Itself through this Soul, the dominant means of God acting to be found throughout the worlds, and also the reason for the importance of a teacher, an ascended master can't truly take on new students, so there must always be one living, that is able to interpret the message of the Secret Way to the outer world in a way that it's collective consciousness can understand and relate to, or resonate with outwardly, but who can also be the inner guide for those students, to give them spiritual learning via direct experience with the spiritual principles.
Initiations continue past this point, as do states of consciousness, but this description will stop here, at the point of God Realization, but I will add that it continues to develop into a greater fullness in the course of a few more planes, and eventually into a sort of "catch all" of spiritual terminology that describes an even greater state of consciousness and whatever lies beyond that, something the mind simply cant conceive of, called . It is at this level that exist the true "angels", called the Mahavakyi, Volapuk, or Silent Ones. Beings in direct service to the Godhead who answer to none but IT, directly.The Shabd, or Spirit, has of Itself three attributes, these are Wisdom, Freedom, and Charity, which can also referred to as Divine Love and this being the case shows that each individual Soul has these same attributes present within It, are a part of It's nature just as It is a "piece" or an "atom" of God.
When a Soul attains the Atma Plane, It is a Saint,or Sant. Upon attaining the initiation of the Shabd, the initiation of the Agam Lok, one becomes a Param Sant and begins developing qualities of spiritual Mastership, which are studied and developed to and beyond the Anami initiation, or the first degree of God Realization, and begins to help others inwardly as such a Soul would have already been doing.When a Soul hits initiations to the 12th, 13th, or 14th planes, they are at a level of Mastership, after coming "face to face" with the Absolute in IT'S entirety, that Soul is sent back to the Physical or Pinda Plane to serve God by helping those who are interested to find their own inner path and communication with the Absolute through IT'S Voice and direct experience. In this sense such a person would have an ability to directly contact the Will of God so as to serve IT, but this also means that any such Soul, upon returning to awareness in the body would have to reestablish balance in the outer world and life. Upon having done that that Soul has achieved true spiritual "Enlightenment" rather than the lesser, mental, cosmic consciousness, which also has it's experience of "Oneness".
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