Submitted by Shakiba on

Each era chooses its new, corresponding Teaching, when all previous Teachings have become distorted. People tend to cling to these twisted distortions of the faith of their forefathers, yet no new Teaching ever excludes preceding ones. Little attention is paid to this fact, for the followers of every Teaching like to build their success on denial of the previous Teachings. But it is easy to prove the continuity of what people call religion. In this continuity is sensed a single stream of one energy. Calling it psychic [fiery] energy, we speak of the Sophia of the Hellenic world or Sarasvati of the Hindus. The Holy Ghost of the Christians manifests signs of psychic energy, just as do the creative Adonai of Israel, and Mithra of Persia, full of solar power. Certainly, no one doubts that the Fire of Zoroaster is the Fire of Space, which you now study. (Agni Yoga, #416, 1929, Agni Yoga Society.)
Zarathustra was an initiate of the Great White Brotherhood, taught by archangels and Ahura Mazda to bring a teaching of the Sacred Fire and the use of mantrams to the people. Much confusion reigns over the exact dates when Zarathustra lived. Not much is known about him. He probably lived around 1,750 to 1,500 BC., but it’s hard to say for sure. At this time in history, no other land could boast of a prophet or messenger appearing on the scene with such supreme gnosis and direct tie to the Great White Brotherhood in over 8,000 years, since the time of Atlantis. Abram heard a voice. Not even Moses was elevated in such a way, for he was initiated in Egyptian mysteries and when he did see God it was as a burning bush. Zarathustra had a visitation of epic proportions. This was an extraordinary event in the annals of the spiritual history for earth. - William House
“Zoroastrianism is the oldest of the revealed world-religions, and it has probably had more influence on mankind, directly and indirectly, than any other single faith.” From Mary Boyce, Emeritus Professor of Iranian Studies at the University of London.
"Zarathustra was “one of the greatest religious geniuses of all time…. [He] was a prophet, or at least conceived himself to be such; he spoke to his God face to face.” R. C. Zaehner, former Spalding Professor of Eastern Religions and Ethics at Oxford University.
Zarathustra was an initiate of the Great White Brotherhood. According to Boyce, “He… describes himself [in the Gathas] as a ‘vaedemna’ or ‘one who knows,’ an initiate possessed of divinely inspired wisdom.” She continues, “According to tradition Zoroaster was thirty, the time of ripe wisdom, when revelation finally came to him. This great happening is alluded to in one of the Gathas and is tersely described in a Pahlavi [Middle Persian] work. Here it is said that Zoroaster, being at a gathering [called] to celebrate a spring festival, went at dawn to a river to fetch water.” In the middle of the stream he saw one Vohu Manah. It was this Being who led Zoroaster into the presence of Ahura Mazda and five other radiant figures, before whom “he did not see his own shadow upon the earth, owing to their great light”. And it was then, from this great heptad [or group of seven beings], that he received his revelation. Ahura Mazda is another name for Sanat Kumara. There are six other Kumaras; each one has sponsored one of the seven major religions. It’s reasonable to assume that Zoroaster stood before the Seven Holy Kumaras. No wonder he couldn’t see his own shadow. Zarathustra proceeded to revolutionize his country by exposing the lies and false gods behind the current religion. He was definitely a Prophet. He had little success for ten years until finally he was able to impress King Vishtaspa and then convert his Queen. But the King needed proof. In response, Ahura Mazda sent three Archangels to the court of Vishtaspa and Hutaosa. They appeared as effulgent knights in full armour, riding on horseback. According to one text, they arrived in such glory that “their radiance in that lofty residence seemed …a heaven of complete light, owing to their great power and triumph; when he thus looked upon [them], the exalted king Vishtaspa trembled, all his courtiers trembled, all his chieftains were confused.” Radiating a blinding light and the sound of thunder, they announced that they had come on behalf of Ahura Mazda in order that the king might receive the fullness of the message of Zarathustra. They promised Vishtaspa a life span of 150 years and that he and Hutaosa would have an immortal son. The Archangels warned, however, that if Vishtaspa should decide not to take up the religion, his end would not be far away. The king embraced the faith and the entire court followed suit. The scriptures record that the Archangels then took up their abode with Vishtaspa. - condensed and adapted version of a lecture by Elizabeth Clare Prophet given on August 30, 1992.
Fiery World I : The substance of fiery immunity was described by Zoroaster. He pointed out that from each pore of the skin people could call forth fiery rays to smite all evil. A man clad in a protective armor cannot succumb to any contagion. One can increase this resistance through unity with Hierarchy. Thus, the heart becomes like a sun reducing all microbes to ashes.
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