Submitted by Shiloh on
Image by Reimund Bertrams from Pixabay
It is my understanding that spiritless humans are not truly individuals, meaning, each does not have his or her own personal soul growth path.
For example, if you arranged flowers into the shape of a human being, there is no actual human being there to evolve. Rather, it may be a representation of a human, but ultimately, it’s just flowers.
Likewise, a spiritless human may have a perfectly functioning human body and brain, but the metaphysical energy behind the eyes is more basic, and not human in the way you and I think of the term.
Something more on the level of an animal or perhaps even a plant. Mystics like Rudolf Steiner called it an elemental spirit.
A higher level animal like a chimpanzee, dog, or cat has more of an individual soul path and sentience than your average spiritless human. You can interact with such a pet and sense there is something more there.
When you get into the question of whether rocks and dirt have consciousness, that is tricky because by consciousness we normally think sentience and self-awareness. But there are grades of consciousness, from simple basic existence, to outward awareness but not consciousness of self, to consciousness imparted with will and emotion, to true self-awareness and freewill like what we are capable of.
Rocks, dirt, atoms, electrons, and protons are made of consciousness, just as the objects inside a dream are projections of the subconscious and are therefore made of consciousness. But is that rock that you see in a dream something that is focused unto itself as a self-aware, separate, thinking entity? I would say not necessarily. It’s an expression of consciousness, but isn’t necessarily sentient in itself. But if you go over and focus on the rock, talk to it, maybe it’ll talk back, but that’s only because you animated it with your intention to give it more capability than it originally had.
The reason that is important is because it’s known in occult practices that you can create so-called thoughtforms, or egregores, or tulpas, using your focused thoughts, emotions, and willpower. These energy forms exist in the etheric or astral state as semi-autonomous entities run by artificial intelligences. They are programmed by your thoughts and energy that you put into them. They are like bubbles blown by your soul into temporary existence. So they are in a way, pieces of you.
These thoughtforms can attach themselves to physical objects and even living things. They can influence those things. If you created a thoughtform of fire and burning, and sent it to someone’s house, it might increase the probability of something catching fire there. If you created a thoughtform of an imaginary deity like, say, Ogar the Mighty God of Wind, and fed it with lots of energy and attention, you might even be able to have another person sense its presence and feel a cool breeze seemingly confirming the validity of this made up deity.
Ok, so what happens when you spend a lot of time interacting with a pet or a spiritless human? Your energies are emitted and can imbue the pet or person. They, in turn, will be augmented or influenced by that energy. In the case of a pet, this is a good thing, if you are emitting good energies. I’ve heard it said in several sources that pets come to us in life as part of an arranged destiny to help not just us have a companion, but to help the pet evolve. The pet evolves in its own personal soul path by absorbing our energy and being worked on by our interactions with the pet. This gives the pet a boost that might allow it to graduate from the animal kingdom and reincarnate as human.
A spiritless human, however, might absorb these energies mainly to feed whatever collective entity this spiritless human is but a tentacle or feeding tube for. A pet is already advanced for its species, already individual, and just needs a boost. But a spiritless human is more like a single sucker on just one arm of an octopus. The energy behind the eyes, the lower level consciousness running that person, is not unique, but is part of a collective hive consciousness similar to that of an ant hive.
The seeming individuality and autonomy of a spiritless human is due to his or her biological and intellectual programming, his unique history, and whatever energy he absorbs from you that adds to his emulation. I don’t think he’s conscious of what’s happening. He’s basically like a thoughtform in a human body, influenced by programming and biology and whatever thoughtforms are added to him by others around him.
Spirit is something different from a mere thoughtform. It is a precipitation, a drop, of divinity. Something permanent, real, that reincarnates, that learns, that has spiritual memory and grows lifetime to lifetime. I guess it depends on how you define spirit. But I define it as the seed of true autonomy, sentience, and individuality. Advanced animals have the tiniest seed of it.
But spiritless humans? I don’t think so, any more than department store mannequins or animatronic puppets are capable of having a spirit. They can house a thoughtform, they can have etheric and astral energies animating them, but they don’t have that seed of individuality that survives death and reincarnates. And the proof is that, if you try to help one of them, they just don’t learn. They don’t really grow as people. They don’t mature in their wisdom. That’s not why they exist.
If someone is born spiritless, but is raised with love and care and morals, they will grow up to be a productive member of society who obeys the laws, goes to church, and is a responsible mother or father. They will be a background character, someone who lacks individuality and originality, who follows the herd, who does what their upbringing and genetics have told them to do. They would be motivated by their programming and biological instinct, rather than any kind of soul mission or destiny or karma or true freewill. They would lack empathy and conscience, but would behave themselves over fear of punishment. For example, if they are instilled with a fear of god, with the idea that they are dirty sinners who must seek repentance, they will neurotically stick to a moral code. Not out of love and respect, but fear and conditioning.
The body itself has genetic programming that instinctually gives even the spiritless human motherly or fatherly qualities at least in a material sense, as is seen among all mammals. The problem is when social or biological programming goes wrong, then there is no spirit, no conscience, no empathy to counteract that. For example, if a spirited child were abused, he or she could grow up knowing that they wouldn’t want to do the same to others, so they’d actually be a better parent for it. Whereas a spiritless human, that’s all they would know, and they would perpetuate the same abuse. Even a spirited human can do that, if they lack a connection to spirit and give into the ego and shadow energy within them that was instilled via the abuse.
So if you were to encounter a spiritless human and give them all your love and kindness and attention, a couple things can happen.
First, if their existing programming is already very messed up and they have become social predators, they will simply feed off your attention and will exploit your kindness. The kind of person who always asks you for time and advice to make them feel better but they never actually act on anything you say. They are just milking you for your attention and energy, and when they feel better after they’ve been fed, they go on their way til then need you again. They would be like broken records, always the same sob story, or the latest drama, quite histrionic, and demanding an unusual amount of time and energy from you. But like a broken record they never progress from all that invested time and energy. They don’t grow as people. They don’t become enlightened or mature. They just change and adapt to their circumstances while remaining inwardly the same as always. So that’s the first case.
The second case is if they are harmless background characters. In that case, you would be imbuing them with your own energies, wishes, thoughts, etc. and would be adding that layer to them. So they go from being relatively blank and boring to now mirroring you because now they have become partly your creation.
Tom Montalk -
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