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What is an Intercepted Sign?
The Zodiac signs are equally spaced around the horoscope, at 30 degrees each. However, depending upon the House System used to calculate the chart, some houses are narrow and some are wide. If the location of your birth is close to the equator, the houses will be close to 30 degrees each, and relatively equal in size. But the further you go towards the North or South Pole, the more extreme they'll be in size. Occasionally with a big house, it's large enough to completely swallow up an entire zodiac sign. Such a sign is called an Intercepted Sign. An intercepted sign and any planets in that sign represent a kind of hidden or repressed energy, since that energy doesn't have a direct path through a house cusp in order to express itself. These intercepted influences can be hard to express, may develop later in life (as part of your psychological growth process), or may be a "behind the scenes" factor in your behavior. Needless to say, it's probably something you need to work on throughout your life.
REMEMBER: Intercepted signs take on increased importance because they cover extra territory, and affect more areas of your life. Intercepted houses show us some of the ways we can get around the difficulties caused by our intercepted signs.
In Einstein’s chart you’ll notice that the sign of Leo is intercepted in the 4th house and the sign of Aries in intercepted in the 10th house.
SUN: Suggests the individual may have been under restraint in early life. There may be some feeling of lack within the self and also some difficulty relating to others. There is also necessity to find a special field or place in life where the individual can stand alone.
MOON: Emotional intensification that may cause problems with communication. This includes the possibility of a speech impediment if other factors concur. Withdrawal is common as are intensified feelings of rejection. If these hurdles can be overcome the individual can communicate emotionally and be very effective where others will listen.
MERCURY: The thinking processes are not the same as others and the individual may feel misunderstood or out of sync with peers. When the individual learns to accept his/her own concepts, others may come to admire the gift for intellectual specialization.
VENUS: The individual seeks love in an entirely personal way that may be kept secret, sacred and hidden from others OR the individual may never have experiences real love because the ideal of love is too intense and limited.
MARS: The individual shows intense power and energy which needs to be channeled towards a specialized goal. The individual has the ability to make whatever they do a personal triumph.
JUPITER: Some difficulties in early life resulting in the bottling up of natural enthusiasm. The sense of “value” is very unique and the individual is capable of taking advantage of opportunities where others would miss out.
SATURN: Great sensitivity to the problems of others along with a knack for solving them. Things that upset others rarely bother the individual. There is some inclination towards fatalism regarding personal difficulties. The outer expression should be developed so that proper risks are taken in order to achieve goals.
URANUS: A timidity of expression concerning originality due to over sensitivity and fear of ridicule.
PLUTO: The life motivation is different than what spurs others. The need for action comes from a group feeling as well as the individual’s HUGE need for approval. There is a deep need to investigate life thoroughly which should be encouraged.
What are Linked Houses?
Whenever there are intercepted signs in a chart, there will also be two sets of houses that are linked together because they share the same sign on adjacent houses. In Einstein’s chart the 2nd and 3rd houses are linked and the 8th and 9th houses are linked because they share the same sign on their cusps.
1st & 2nd: The individual must earn his/her own way in life, determine the personal value structure and most likely place much store on material comforts.
2nd & 3rd: A living might be earned through the transportation or communication fields. Values may be influenced by a sibling or there is a possibility of going into business with a sibling.
3rd & 4th: A sibling may have taken a parent’s place or there might have been an unsettled childhood with attendance at different schools. A sibling might share living quarters at one point in life. Expression is easier when the native is on familiar ground.
4th & 5th: Great creativity around the homestead and possibly running a business from home.
5th & 6th: Possibly working in a creative field that gives service to young people such as teaching or coaching a team. Work is usually the individual’s “first love.”
6th & 7th: The individual might work with a spouse, partner or simply like working with the public. Work may involve the law.
7th & 8th: A favored condition for politics and garnering support fro the public. Fruitful business partnerships or inheritance through a partner.
8th & 9th: Possible career in writing or publishing tied to mystery or sex novels or career connected to financial expertise, research or politics. There is often an affinity for the mystical or occult which may be taught to others.
9th & 10th: Possible extensive travel connected to career matters, education, or the law. Possibility of foreign born parents or parents that are helpful to career.
10th & 11th: Friends and social relationships aid career. Possible work in the government. The individual is often active in group efforts usually in a leadership capacity.
11th & 12th: The individual may be drawn to charity, social or welfare work. Comfort can be found behind the scenes however, the individual needs to find quality time for the Self. Sometimes outside forces may cause confinement.
12th & 1st: The individual has much inner strength that can be called upon when needed however, the personality needs sharpening and defining due to shyness or introversion.
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