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Venus. The goddess of love, passion, beauty, harmony and satisfaction. The great goddess has sides to her however that are less than pleasant. She has very high expectations of perfection and harmony and those who don’t meet those expectations will suffer disillusion and disappointment. After all it’s all about ideals, although an individual can always turn such situations around if the harshness impels you to do something better.
Where the astrological Venus appears in one’s natal chart shows both the pleasant and unpleasant sides of Venus. Try not to take it too personal.
If natal Venus is in the …
Many astrologers feel Venus in the First House is a sign of physical beauty either inner or outer or both. There is a natural attractiveness. The physical self may indeed be quite pleasing or beautiful and even those who may not necessarily be outwardly attractive harbor an inner beauty which radiates outward with refinement and goodwill. No matter what the recipe, it is mandatory that the individual develop a strong sense of self-worth and self-esteem. If this factor is missing, the individual can easily become a manipulator trying to garner as much attention and flattery from others as possible to fill the gap. This can also be a very shamelessly erotic placement known as Aphrodite’s Girdle syndrome whereby seduction is used treacherously for personal benefit.
If Venus is retrograde in the First House or in the Sign of Aries, past life residuals ca include an inclination towards romantic selfishness. Relationships are made and broken for self- gratification physically and romantically. The social lessons here are to properly develop dignity and respect for others and to learn to share without expecting reciprocation.
This placement speaks strongly about the sense of well-being and the ability to attract what is needed and valued. There is an innate sense of diplomacy and tact and fairness. On the flip side, Venus in the Second House if making or receiving poor aspects may be too extravagant with expenditure AND too possessive of other people which are viewed as valuable objects. Some of this can be psychologically generated by fear and worry of lack or not having “enough.” Venus well aspected here can also be the odd couple – very sensual and tactile in love and in a totally different vein, practical where love is thought of as a quantity which is measured out and consumed according to satisfaction levels.
If Venus is retrograde in the Second House or in the Sign of Taurus, past life residuals may indicate that too much importance is placed on material security. A balanced approach needs to be adopted. Certainly the real value of things should be recognized and attained for survival but this must be achieved with a full understanding of what is important in life. There is often a tendency to show off founded in the need to show others “things” as poof of success OR a gaudiness of vanity in clothing jewelry.
A gift for gab and fluent communication is evident with this placement provided Venus aspects are not hampered. If hampered, early education may not be as pleasant as it could be and in some cases there can be some sort of speech impediment. This Venus has a sensitive radar for the needs of others around them but often speak too much trying to please them or make them happy. People do however usually feel comfortable enough to open up to someone with a Third House Venus so in a sense this Venus operates like the High Priestess of the Tarot who has the reputation for being quite capable of soliciting information from just about anyone.
If Venus is retrograde in the Third House or in the Sign of Gemini, past life residuals include problems and joys associated with communication. Respect was also an issue and there may have been over-involvement with others and thoughtless, immodest and impulsive attitudes towards others that require adjustment in the current life. There was a lack of self-discipline resulting in some sarcasm and there was a tendency to be possessive of others and a leaning towards touchiness, being easily offended.
Venus in the Fourth House loves peace and harmony above all else. If an atmosphere has any discord or strife, this Venus becomes the “smoother” until all is rectified and everyone is happy again. It should never be assumed that a Fourth House Venus is “easy,” or a pushover or doormat. The need for security is the foundation upon which all else is built. Territorialism is inherent along with conservatism and caution. Clear values are of the utmost importance and at times a righteous attitude might become evident. This Venus will take its times to assimilate the environment, life events and experiences.
If Venus is retrograde in the Fourth House or in the Sign of Cancer, past life residuals can indicate a laziness to create a sociably acceptable personal space or environment. The home life may have been harsh or disruptive which could have hampered personal development and had a negative effect on the initiating of relationships with others. Should this be the case, the individual with this placement has an “off-putting” effect on others simply because the auric field is holding the old energy pattern and others can feel it.
Creative self-expression is the key to personal self-fulfillment and well-being. Public appeal comes easy to this Venus placement if manifestation of creativity is manifested. All that is beautiful and aesthetic is of major importance. In the love/relationship department “being in love with love” happens all too easily and is not likely to be very realistic. It is the throes of romance and not the physical side of love that is appealing in other words this Venus likes to play and not be very serious. It is all play and no work, after all work is not very pleasurable. The result of all this can wreak havoc in the lives of others who may have a different impression of what is going on.
If Venus is retrograde in the Fifth House or in the Sign of Leo, past life residuals can include creative urges based solely on the gratification of ego. Immoral values may have ruined the lives of others and there might also have been heavy debt both financial and emotional. Excessive sexual pursuits some of which could have ended in unrequited love can be a strong past life residual where revenge or obsession becomes a prominent issue in the current life. In some cases there may be unusual or unorthodox sexual orientation and extramarital affairs with the same or opposite sex. In the early part (youth) of a past life there may have been neglect or sexual abuse bringing forth rash or impulsive tendencies in the current life.
This Venus is highly attuned to mundane or everyday life and finds joy in daily duties and taking care of the self and business. The importance of developing good relationships is part of the plan. Venus in this house is body conscious and not only likes to look good but also wants peak health so it stands to reason that any imbalances in in relationships is often based in physical or emotional problems. If Venus makes or receives harsh aspects obsession can also be a problem not only in the love life but also psychologically. This is placement of determination for Venus needing everything to be just right including people who should be in their proper place. Antagonizing others can be a problem if too much perfection is demanded. Venus here can also be determined to be diplomatic and tactful in dealing with others. It all depends on the environment and whether things are moving smoothly.
If Venus is retrograde in the Sixth House or in the Sign of Virgo, past life residuals can include a carryover of discrimination based in economic or social status. Lack of development of the ego which constantly sought out avenues of approval is the reason for that attitude. Lifetimes of inappropriate living including abuse of health and environment as well as lack of communication in public and social circles are at the root as well. The Sixth House is generally known as the house of service to others and in past lives experience gained that could have benefited others was not shared because they were not deemed worthy.
As Venus naturally rules the Seventh House through the sign of Libra almost the total focus is on love and relationships. The “I am you and you are me” premise operates strongly here and the native of this placement only feel complete and happy if he or she is involved and totally immersed in a relationship. The native believes the beauty inside them is reflected back to them through the beloved who is often held on a pedestal of perfection even if they are the only one who sees it. It is always good to see someone else in a positive light however no partner can live up to perfection. When Venus here is disappointed the beloved finds they are standing on that pedestal with clay feet. Venus knows how to play the game well from this house offering beauty, diplomacy, love and devotion but she is also highly jealous and possessive from this stance.
If Venus is retrograde in the Seventh House or in the Sign of Libra, past life residuals can include thoughtlessness in all types of relationships. As a result the individual became his or her own worst enemy. Inconsiderate, emotional and extravagant, the individual took love and rarely reciprocated it. Highly ego - centered possessiveness, selfishness and greed destroyed anything mutual. Past life marriages were exercises in control where honesty was nil. An unexplained need to be more refined in the current life is not only a clue but an obligation to the development of harmony in all relationships. Integrity and truthfulness in public relations is also important goal for the current lifetime.
Venus in the Eighth House tends to be a mediator and negotiator that strives for harmony between people. This can work well in business partnerships and couplings where money is involved. On the other hand, Aphrodite’s Girdle becomes a corset of seduction in this house and no other Venus is better than using sexual charm to rid partners of any sexual inhibitions. Sexual fulfillment is a ways and means to fell complete. This Venus can entice anyone into anything. Everything is exposed including secrets and maybe even bank account numbers. The treasure box key is handed over gladly. There is also a love of anything mysterious or arcane and to probe, turning over every rock in search of answers. Venus in this house also tends towards psychic abilities which is used as a sixth sense in understanding others and, should it be decided, will use that input to control and/or manipulate.
If Venus is retrograde in the Eighth House or in the Sign of Scorpio, past life residuals can include lifetimes of disagreeable endings including unpleasant, even violent deaths. Inappropriate values and dependence on the financial generosity of others is at the root. Theft and embezzlement and the mishandling of funds was prominent perhaps via organized crime. There was a very strong vein of interest in the occult and metaphysics as well strong psychic ability that is most likely realized and recognized in the current lifetime but was misunderstood in past lifetimes because it may have been fraudulently advanced or simply against the law according to religious beliefs at the time.
Venus in the Ninth House tends to be visionary contemplating the meaning and mysteries of life but it also struggles with religious and philosophical issues. The key to happiness is believing in a Lofty Untouchable Power with peace, liberty and justice for all. This Venus is highly attuned to higher education (including the self-taught variety) and more than willing to share or teach the most profound or scholarly subjects. From the Ninth House posit Venus has a great love of diversity of people and therefore embraces different cultures and travel. Unless Venus makes or receives harsh aspects, there is a knack for getting along well with others (including in-laws). Despite the capacity to get along well with others, Venus here can be annoyingly argumentative if she feels she has found practical justification for what is strongly held as personal belief or knowledge. Because of the high ideals of this placement there may also be a tendency to expect too much of others.
If Venus is retrograde in the Ninth House or in the Sign of Sagittarius, past life residuals can include a religiously dogmatic attitude, narrow view and bigotry resulting in spiritual arrogance. There was a love of the glamor provided by religious ritual and practices especially those of foreign cultures. The individual has yet to learn that “all the glitters is not gold.” There was a lack of self-discipline with regards to observing the law, social order and education. There may also be an urgency to pursue a righteous path and to use current talents for the benefit humanity. If this exists, then the individual has recognized what needs to be corrected on the deepest levels which will enhance soul development and growth.
Venus in the Tenth House is concerned with image. Looking disheveled at any time for any reason is simply not allowed. Natural diplomacy is also prevalent and Venus here likes to be noticed, appreciated and if possible adored. Status and power is a goal and should a position of authority be achieved it will be held onto tooth and nail. Partnerships and joint efforts with others work well generally speaking unless Venus makes or receives harsh aspects. If problematic aspects exist, even though there is dedication to task and much to offer, this can be misunderstood as demands which are resented. This Venus likes to choose how it functions on the work scene and seeks to promote harmony with others. Since power is power, sexual power is also part of the picture and a tendency towards rivalry is not out of the question.
If Venus is retrograde in the Tenth House or in the Sign of Capricorn, past life residuals can include a tendency to seek approval or status because it was denied in past lives. Because of overreach and negative personality traits, the individual met with disapproval, disfavor and discredit from authority figures. There existed a strong desire for fame and notoriety then and most likely a similar desire for honor and approval of contemporaries exists in the current lifetime. The individual cared less for others in past lives leaving them behind as he or she stepped on them to get ahead and gain personal glory. The idea is to channel ambition in the right direction in the current lifetime and work with consideration and harmony with others.
This Venus enjoys people and wants cooperation in all group situations and friendships. This is a positive, out-going and around and about Venus. There is showmanship and a need to entertain and be entertained. The individual feels when accepted in social situations and can sense opportunities through contact made with others. If Venus makes or receives harsh aspects cultural promise can be more difficult to achieve and require a great deal of determination to reach desired goals. There can be too much obsession with being accepted by the ‘right’ crowd when emphasis should be placed on the group or crowd that provides benefit for all involved and by extension for all who are not involved - in other words, humanitarian efforts. A high standard for friendship also exists and effort can be met with disappointment if that standard is not recognized and held by others. There can also be an overdependence on others which is never healthy. Friendships can turn into romance or a love/hate situation.
If Venus is retrograde in the Eleventh House or in the Sign of Aquarius, past life residuals can include associating people who are felt to be lesser than in order to look and feel superior. There is a tendency to be highly susceptible to flattery which does not work out well. Most astrologers agree that this is a very karmic Venus and that friends and foes from the past will be present in the current lifetime in the same roles. There will also be similarities between past incarnations and the current incarnation as to the type of social activities that are being pursued. Negatively this would include the desire to revisit past life tendencies for overindulgence in sexual pursuits and orgies. The goal is to employ better values and productive relationships and resist self-indulgence of body.
Venus in this house wants to merge generally with something greater than the self - numinous and divine. Seeking somethings this lofty in another human being can be a little difficult as no man or woman is a god or goddess. Adoration may be sought but to desire a love that has no bounds makes adoration less than sufficient. This Venus easily drifts off into the world of the intangible in pursuit of beauty and love. There can be affairs with those who are not available or free because this Venus is willing to sacrifice and live with restriction and even pain. He or she might be a defender of the underdog, the lowly or even a criminal. The individual believes these things can be fixed and others simply don’t understand. In some cases there may be a lack of common sense or practicality. Learning to love keeping emotions in balance and setting proper boundaries while allowing personal time for oneself is a must.
If Venus is retrograde in the Twelfth House or in the Sign of Pisces, past life residuals can include the karmic goal of integrating the inner and outer selves. This was lacking in the past lifetimes and probably is the case in the current lifetime. What does this mean? It means there is too much emphasis placed on ego (sacrifice is ego based) and not enough attention placed on soul … in other words, the spiritual doormat. How can this be achieved? Simply by employing compassionate (not sacrificial) comprehension of all mankind and the unity of all people. This may be done via unselfish service to others with conducted with equipoise and good sense.
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