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Some things are just up in your face …
From the ZOHAR: “On the firmament which envelopes the universe, we see many figure formed by the stars and planets. They reveal hidden and profound mysteries. Similarly, upon our skin which encircles the human being there exist forms and traits that are the stars of our bodies.”
Astrology teaches that every part of the human body is influenced by the stars and planets. An augury is a type of divination involving the interpretation of the signs in nature including everything imaginable from natural phenomena to the features of the human body. The study of moles is known today as Moleoscopy and it is still used as a tool of divination.
Enter Melampus …
Melampus of Ancient Greece was the patron of the Ancient Magi and scholars. According to the treatise of Melampus who was considered a specialist, the Magi would examine the skin of the human body looking for prophetic signs. The specialty of Melampus was body moles and he divined according the various positions of moles on the anatomy in association with the signs and planets of the zodiac. The side of the body upon which moles appeared was a very important factor in interpretation since the right side of the body was considered a sign of moral integrity and good luck as opposed to the left side which was considered sinister and corrupt.
From the treatise of Melampus:
“A mole on a man’s forehead signifies wealth and happiness; on a woman’s forehead, it denotes that she will be powerful, perhaps a ruler. Close to the eyebrow of a man, the mole predicts a happy marriage with a pretty and virtuous woman, and it foretells similar fortune to girls. Moles on the bride of the nose mean lust and extravagance for both sexes. When appearing on the nostrils, the mole signifies constant travel. Moles on the lips of men and woman betray gluttony, and on the chin that they will possess gold and silver. Moles in the ear and neck are lucky omens; they predict wealth and fame. When upon the nape of the neck, however, the beauty spot carries an ill omen, that of being beheaded! Moles upon the loins are unfortunate…, (ya’ think?) … signifying mendacity, and ill luck for the descendants. When appearing on the shoulders, they predict captivity and unhappiness; on the chest, poverty. Moles on the hands announce many children, and under the armpits, they bring luck as they promise a wealthy handsome husband or wife. Ominous are moles when found upon the heart and bosom and belly, as they signify voracity. They are a good omen when seen on the upper leg, announcing wealth; when upon the lower part of the stomach, they presage intemperance for men but the contrary for women.”
Time marches on …
The Gypsies are very superstitious when it comes to moles on the anatomy and they believe moles are good indicators of human character and future events. Size, color and shape are the first consideration. For example, the larger the mole the greater the prosperity or adversity according to body correspondence. A round mole is considered very good, an oblong mole moderately fortuitous and if angular in shape it denotes a mix of good and bad. Moles come under the planetary rulership of Jupiter and Saturn. Gypsy Moleoscopy views moles as follows:
FOREHEAD: (Aries) Center of forehead – active, industrious, successful in business and a happy marriage. Left side of forehead – not favorable; can achieve but will work harder for success. Right side of forehead or near the temple – industrious, plenty of lovemaking, a good marriage.
EYEBROWS: (Aries) Near or on right eyebrow – active, courageous, persevering. Wealth and success in love, business and war. Near or on left eyebrow – cowardice, indolence, possible leaning towards alcohol. Many disappointments in life and no children.
EYES: (Aries; left eye of male and right eye of female the Moon; right eye of male and left of female the Sun) On the outside or corner of either eye shows an honest and steady disposition and an inclination to the pleasures of love. A violent death after a tumultuous life.
NOSE: (Scorpio) Moles on any part of the nose show a passionate but hasty disposition with plenty of amorous pursuits. Faithful, honest and sincere friendships. There should be success in life although marriage may not be happy.
CHEEK: (Taurus) On either cheek shows an industrious nature and a benevolent personality. Some inclination towards sports. Will probably be neither rich or poor but better off than the parents.
EAR: (Taurus) Either ear denotes riches. If near the lower tip of the ear there is a chance of drowning.
LIPS: (upper Aries, lower Taurus) Either upper or lower indicates a delicate person who must watch their health especially the diet.
CHIN: (Taurus) Very agreeable, amiable and quiet. A love of travel and successful business ventures.
NECK: (Taurus) A quarrelsome person who will grow more devious with age. The front of the neck is better than the back of the neck.
SHOULDER: (Gemini) Left, a quarrelsome person who disputes everything. Life is devoid of variety and monotonous. There will be many children and success in business. Right, a prudent and discreet person with much wisdom, diplomacy and tact. Industrious and a good business partner.
ARMPIT: (Gemini) Either – Good looking and destined to be rich.
ARMS: (Gemini) Either - Good disposition, great fortitude, resolute and loyal. In males - many battles will be fought with successful results.
ELBOW: (Cancer) Either – A restless disposition with a love of travel. No interest in amassing possessions and discontentment in marriage.
WRIST: (Leo; Gemini) Either – An idea person who is inventive and ingenious.
HAND: (Virgo; Gemini) Either – Good energy, wealth.
FINGERS: ( Virgo; Gemini) Any – You are a thief who will never amount to anything!
BACK: Below the shoulder blades (Libra) – A hard life with many disappointments. Above the shoulder blades ( Leo) – There will be many life challenges but the individual will rise above them.
BUTTOCKS: (Libra) Shiftlessness, laziness and probable poverty.
CHEST: (Cancer) Quarrelsome and unhappy with uncontrolled amorousness.
BREASTS: (Cancer) Right – Overly amorous and given to alcohol. Sudden reversals in fortune and false friends. Left – Industrious but sober disposition. Success in life and many children.
NIPPLE: (Cancer) Female – A child who will become famous. Male – Too fond of pursuing women.
SIDES or FLANKS: (Leo) Either – If near the ribs a cowardly disposition. Excessive with an easy but not necessarily luxurious life.
HIP: (Sagittarius) Either: Content disposition with moderate success. Gets nothing without earning it. Faithful, industrious and amorous.
NAVEL: (Virgo)Female – Good marriage and many children. Male – Very lucky and wealthy. Will probably sire a distinguished son.
STOMACH: (Cancer) Foppish with little common sense yet able to acquire riches. Lower stomach – promises more than can be accomplished yet will be held in high esteem.
GENITALS: (Scorpio) Generous, honest and open. A happy marriage. Female – will be the mother of a great genius.
GROIN: (Scorpio) Right – Riches, honors accompanied by disease. Left – Sickness without wealth.
THIGH: (Sagittarius) Right – Agreeable, courageous and amorous. Left - Benevolent, hard working but little interest in sex.
KNEE: (Capricorn) Left – Hasty, extravagant, no desire to work and lack of honesty. Right – Amiable, honest, ha success in love and many friends.
LEG: (Capricorn; Aquarius) Either: Thoughtless and extravagant. Difficulties in life through own actions. Will not lack fortune but will have a tendency to dwell on the negative rather than the good.
ANKLE: (Aquarius) Male – Cowardice and effeminacy. Female – Courage.
HEEL: (Pisces) Energetic but spiteful and malicious.
INSTEP: (Pisces) Quarrelsome with few friends. A strong walker.
TOES: (Pisces) A wealthy but unhappy marriage.
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