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Are Other Beings Living Among Us in Parallel Dimensions?
People have been looking for signs of intelligent life in our universe for decades to no avail. Many believe the reason we haven't been successful is because our universe is just too vast for us to find extraterrestrials. Some have theorized that we made contact with a form of intelligent life but they aren't from outer space, they are ultraterrestrials from other dimensions.
By definition:
parallel universe/dimension
1. A universe, especially one of an infinite set of identical universes, hypothesized in some interpretations of quantum mechanics to exist along with our own universe, obeying the same physical laws, but each in a different quantum mechanical state with no possibility for the transfer of information between universes.
2. A universe hypothesized in some cosmological models to exist along with our own universe, possibly obeying different physical laws and having the potential for the transfer of information between universes.
3. A universe in a work of fiction that exists alongside another universe in the same work or series of works, with each universe often having the same characters living in different circumstances.* -
Particle physics seeks to explain the origins of the universe and the fundamental building blocks of matter by studying the irreducibly small particles that make up atoms. It's often called the theory of everything, working toward one single elegant solution to explain how matter and energy work.
In the Standard Model of physics, particles are understood to be point-like, like impossibly tiny dots. The Standard Model is still theoretical because there's still a lot we don't understand about the force of gravity. String theory is another model of physics, where instead of dots, particles are actually tiny strings, all vibrating together to create size and mass.
But for string theory to be accurate, it means there could be more than 10 dimensions, instead of the four we're used to experiencing: length, width, depth and time. Some of these dimensions could theoretically be places where the Big Bang never happened and the universe had an entirely different starting point. What would a creature from a dimension like that look like to humans from the fourth dimension? Lovecraftian monsters? Demogorgons?
Or maybe demons, or fairies from folklore? The late ufologist John Keel was a believer in extraterrestrials, but moved away from that after a time. He began to think that all the stories from folklore and religious texts were actually proof that humanity has indeed made contact with another form of intelligent life, but that they weren't from outer space. Instead, they were beings from other dimensions: Ultraterrestrials. Keel theorized that these beings could shape shift to look like anything, and attributed them to stories of demons, monsters, angels, ogres and changelings. He thought these ultraterrestrials likely had a sense of right and wrong, and that they were capable of manipulating mankind.
But why? If there are ultraterrestrials, what would be the motivation of a fifth, sixth or seventh dimension creature coming to the fourth dimension to make mischief? And how do they move between dimensions? Keel thought there were magnetic anomalies that made it easier for ultraterrestrials to materialize, but wasn't sure how they got to the fourth dimension.
Diana Brown "Are Creatures Living Among Us in Parallel Dimensions?" 29 May 2018.
*American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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