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I was recently asked, “What do you know about the Paracas Skulls? At least some of them seem to have had red or blonde hair.” I’ve been researching this subject and surrounding topics heavily since 2010 and have gathered about 150,000 words worth of notes with references too numerous to list here. My intention was to write an appendix to the Gnosis series but more info keeps coming and I haven’t finished researching. There are other researchers including Brian Foerster and Frank Joseph who have done a lot of work in this direction and I refer you to their publications for additional insights. Foerster was the primary modern investigator of the Paracas skulls. He has a lot of videos on YouTube to check out.
In response to the above question, I can at least give a thumbnail sketch of my hypothesis. So regarding these Paracas people with the elongated skulls, they were probably the dying remnants of earlier alien genetic creations seeded in Indonesia and North, Central, and South America. The elongated skull types were never native to Europe, Asia, or Africa though their remnants have been found there in areas associated with transoceanic trade and travel. It seems they were most active 15,000-6,000 B.C. if not earlier, which would include the time period before the pole shift at the end of the last ice age. By the first millennium B.C. their numbers had significantly dwindled.
Notice how it’s the top back of the skull that is elongated. That parietal region of the brain happens to deal with mathematical relations and geometry. So they were extremely smart, in a savant-like manner, and would have been adept at astronomical and geomancy practices. Megalithic stonework occurred in several distinct ages, so they were likely responsible for the earliest earthworks and megalithic technologies and were one of the more advanced races during prehistoric times.
To have the proper context, it’s important to recognize another advanced civilization that arose (or were seeded) a little later. These were the proto-Indo-Europeans (proto-Indos) who sprang up in the Caucasus, Black Sea, Asia Minor area (modern day Turkey, Georgia, Russia, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Romania). Their roots trace back to around the end of the ice age, and they were responsible for the Gobekli Tepe site, probably hiding out in the Derinkuyu underground city and others like it during the cataclysms of the time. Those cities were built to house people of average height, not 7-9 foot tall giants. They, like the giants, may have had help from humanoid aliens who gave them knowledge and technology, along the lines of what was recounted in the book of Enoch.
Their descendants began proliferating 7,000-5,000 B.C. in the form of various tribes situated around the Black Sea, one of which was the Vinča people on its west coast. They had a relatively artistic, ritualistic, and cultured society. These proto-Indos were fire and sun worshippers; the swastika, triskalion, and solar cross being their sun symbols. Fire was one of their key technologies, with metalwork being a natural progression from having pottery kilns hot enough to melt ores. Those who had the most advanced pottery would have had the hottest fires, and would have developed metal smithing in tandem with that. The Vinča had excellent pottery considering how early in history they existed, numerous examples of which employed the swastika symbol. Cultural elements and symbols from the people of this time period are found all over the world, including later among the Japanese Ainu people who were of mixed Asian and Indo-European ancestry.
After enduring various cataclysms, their surviving descendants ventured south around 5,000 B.C. and founded the earliest Sumerian/Mesopotamian cities. It was the modus operandi of this civilization to ‘terraform’ various primitive people and rule over them; in the Indus Valley they were known as the Brahmin, and across the ocean they were the Viracocha. They were bringers of civilization and technology. A few global cataclysms knocked their efforts down from time to time, but they always came back. So it was typically the case that you had this Caucasian-looking elite going around the world enculturating and ruling over the more populous natives; a method of conquest and control they likely learned from their alien benefactors. A bit like a cultural psychoactive parasite. It happened in Sumeria, Egypt, China, Japan, India, Ireland, and the Americas. The central myths and technologies of these societies all share fingerprints of proto-Indo-European myth and technology; see the book Hamlet’s Mill by de Santillana and von Dechend for a scholarly discussion of that fact.
These advanced people may have been Cro Magnons who survived extinction, or hybrids between humans and humanoid aliens, or maybe there’s no difference between the two. Archeological, mythological, and genetic evidence indicates they were 6-7 feet tall (also evident in their system of measurement being based on a longer cubit, corresponding to their longer forearms), robust, fair skin, and dark to light hair color. Men usually wore beards. Some among them possessed megalithic technology as well, which was either given to them by aliens or maybe learned or taken from the cone-headed giants during earlier contacts. It is they who built the Great Pyramid around 3500 B.C. during the height of their Mesopotamian transoceanic empire, possibly under the direction of their alien benefactors.
Like the elongated skull race, they too were quite intelligent and possessed knowledge of astronomy and, most importantly, global navigation by ship. Their Cro Magnon ancestors had already sailed to North America 12,000 B.C. and traveled North America by land, making it as far as the Pacific Northwest. Caches of their flint and obsidian spear and arrow heads have been found in the southwest and western areas of the US. Their knowledge was passed down through the ages so that even the Phoenicians thousands of years later, who were one of their descendants, knew how to sail to North America and navigate up the Mississippi and mine metals by the Great Lakes because the maps and navigation knowledge was preserved. Frank Joseph summarizes the evidence in his book The Lost Colonies of Ancient America.
The descendants of these seafaring prehistoric Cro-Magnons eventually founded the metal industry, starting with the copper age and then bronze. You can find some of their megalithic and metalwork around the world. To name one unusual example, consider the walls of the Imperial Palace in Japan, where copper rather than bronze joints are seen embedded into the megalithic stonework there, suggesting chalcolithic technology from 5,000 to 4,000 B.C. prior to the advent of bronze, which is copper alloyed with tin.
Now, these proto-Indos were renowned seafarers. They had nautical universities in various places, including the British isles, where certain earthworks were created to simulate ocean navigation but on land. For example, circular ditches filled with water and raised circular rims made level with the water to create an artificial horizon from which the position of stars and planets could be gauged. They did most things by memorization, a testament to their intellects. Extremely long poems committed to memory were a feature of these people, which you found both in Hellenistic and Vedic cultures. So, it goes without saying that they were also the original Vedics.
The Vedic legends mention how the original Vedics were seafarers. That’s because India was one of their colonies going back to early Mesopotamian times, being eventually permanently settled by some of their descendants in 700-800 B.C. when those descendants (the Hittites) were kicked out of the Levant (modern day Israel, Lebanon, and Syria) by the Assyrians. So they just migrated to one of their ‘other ancestral homelands’ (really just a former colony) which was the Indian subcontinent. If they traveled by land, they would have taken the same route across the Gobi desert their Tocharian relatives were familiar with, which would have put them into northern India. The early 20th century explorer and archeologist L.A. Waddell wrote plenty about the role of the Hittites on Vedic history, how these Hittites brought with them the Sumerian King Lists and how those were subsequently prepended to the Vedic king lists.
Anyway, point being the copper and bronze age being run by these seafaring advanced people, they traveled the globe heavily to mine metals and trade in exotic goods. That includes North, Central, and South America, though they also stopped by Indonesia, Japan, and Easter Island. The ships of Tarshish, mentioned in the Bible, were theirs. The Celtic Veneti were among their last culturally intact remnants before the Romans snuffed them out.
So during their bronze age sea voyages, they ran into and developed close relations with the giants / elongated skull people from across the Atlantic, though contact between the two races probably first occurred during Cro Magnon times. Some of these cone-headed people were brought over on ships, and that is why you can find elongated skulls on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean and on the island of Malta, for example, because these were ports and waypoints for the copper/bronze age shipping industry that had routes to the Americas. So some of these cone-headed giants were imported to the Middle East and also to Britain and Ireland, where their surviving remainders eventually became the Fomorians of Irish legend. The relation between the proto-Indos and cone-heads is one of mutual dependence and collaboration or bitter opposition depending on the place and time, as the Irish legends themselves attest.
Giants with elongated skulls could also be found in some parts of Africa, where the proto-Indos had a significant presence. The northern Africans of Caucasian appearance were known to the Egyptians as the Libyans; they were survivors of an earlier time when north Africa underwent severe climate change during 3500-3200 B.C. Prior to that, the land was green and even the Giza plateau where the pyramids reside was very lush and fertile. Theeir presence in Africa is also responsible for there once being blond people on the Canary Islands off the coast of the Berber lands, the Berbers also being descendants of these early proto-Indos. The Canary natives must have gotten stranded there long ago.
But it was the Mediterranean islands, northern Levant, and Asia Minor areas that were most heavily populated by these proto-Indos and cone-headed people, and for the longest time. They became very wealthy due to having a monopoly on the bronze industry. These same groups also had elements living in North America for a time, as evidenced by their dead being buried in both regions sitting upright in earthen mounds or stone beehive-like tombs, which was a custom of their shared culture.
Up until 1450 B.C. they held close relations with Egypt, including intermarriage and cross pollination of beliefs and customs. That was the time frame of the first Temple of Solomon, which was a Hyksos / Phoenician creation housing the Ark of the Covenant. The Hyksos were Akkadian-speaking people of proto-Indo origin who ruled over a Semitic nomadic underclass in the Levant, hence were known as shepherd kings because the nomads were shepherds. When the Mediterranean volcano Thera blew up in 1628 B.C. and caused bedlam in the Levant and in Lower Egypt, the Hyksos invaded and took over Lower Egypt and ruled for many decades.
In 1550 B.C. the Hyksos and their company were exiled from Egypt. They pillaged their way north, destroying Jericho and other towns, and eventually returned to their ancestral homelands in the Levant, settling in what is today Lebanon. With their proto-Phoenician relatives already in the area (basically the Mitanni/Hittites) they built an expanded empire. For the next 100 years, Egypt held close relations with them and a kind of cultural golden age ensued. They constructed various megalithic structures including the temple at Baalbek which was a sister complex to the Temple of Solomon, and also the Karnak temple complex in Egypt.
Relations turned sour when jealousy and nationalism within the ranks of Egyptian traditionalists allowed Thuthmose III to spearhead an Egyptian invasion of the area. By 1450 B.C. Thuthmose had conquered the Levant through a series of military campaigns that included the infamous battle of Megiddo (related to the Biblical concept of Armageddon) effectively subjugating that civilization, thereby ending the previously thriving bronze shipping and trade industry. That’s when the First Temple was sacked and the original “Israel” put to an end. Routes to the Americas were cut off for the most part. So, the cone-heads around the Mediterranean began to dwindle in number due to no new blood from the Americas. The story about Goliath being the last of the giants probably originated near the end of that time frame, 1100-1200 B.C.
A lot of interesting stuff happened during that time, including emergency migrations to central and south America by some of the white elite bronze age groups. One of those groups settled in the British isles, corresponding timewise to the invasion of Ireland by the Tuatha de Danann, likely the same people as the Tribe of Dan, who were a proto-Indo people loosely affiliated with the Hyksos. That much was hinted in the Old Testament saying they were allotted the most northerly region of Israel, since northern Levant is where the less Semitic tribes lived. You have to read between the lines of history to figure this stuff out. There’s a lot of B.S. in the Old Testament about the origin of the Israelites. Much of that is skewed or transposed from actual events.
The Old Testament was written in various stages around 800-700 B.C. (near the time the Assyrians exiled the northern tribes) from a patchwork of sources by men with political agendas. The actual situation with ancient Israel is that in 1550-1450 B.C. there resided the wealthy non-Semitic Baal/Asherah worshippers in the north, consisting mostly of the proto-Indos / Akkadian / Mitanni / Phoenician / Hyksos / Hittite (different names for different times and places) and the more nomadic Semites who were Yahweh-worshippers to the south. As you probably read in the news, Asherah was the wife of Yahweh, which was likely a mythological invention to unite those two peoples into a kind of Levant confederation. All of that echoes back ancestrally to when the Vinča/Gobekli people ventured into Mesopotamia and founded Sumeria several millennia earlier, which is where the Caucasian-Semitic linkage first occurred; the Persian liberation of the Jews from Babylonian captivity was a later example showing the blood ties between the two.
In 700 B.C. the northern tribes were scattered to the winds when the Assyrians invaded. Only those of the south were allowed to remain, a fact correctly recounted in the Old Testament where it’s said only the two southern tribes, those of Judah and Benjamin, survived while the other ten tribes of the north were lost; the scripture doesn’t say what happened to the ten tribes, but we can determine that from other data. So the Semitic southern tribes survived the turmoil of the prior centuries and went on to found Judaism in their own image, borrowing and transposing from the history of the northern tribes who had thrived centuries earlier. As I said, the Old Testament was first assembled in the 700’s B.C. as a way to unite the remaining people of the region. That worked well enough until 605 B.C. when these early Jews were enslaved by the Babylonians. When the Babylonians were defeated by the Persians (who were an Indo-Aryan people friendly with the Jews) they were set free in 536 B.C. and returned to Israel to reconstitute their cultural identity by building the Second Temple. That is roughly when Judaism and the Torah became the version we know today. Asherah being wife of Yahweh was blotted out, along with the history and fate of the northern tribes.
That the First Temple was built around 1,000 B.C. in Jerusalem is incorrect and part of the false narrative; it was built 480-500 years earlier by the Phoenician/Hyksos, but that part of history was transposed onto the Jewish timeline and shifted forward by centuries, hence the 480 year glossed-over period in the Old Testament which was a necessary buffer to bury the source events far enough in the past to prevent suspicion. It’s worked so well that archeologists looking for evidence of an ancient rich Jerusalem haven’t found it because they were looking in the wrong place and wrong time frame, which ironically damages the credibility of Judaism. Of course, all the evidence is there five centuries years earlier and a little to the north, which would simultaneously validate many of the individual narrative fragments in the Bible while ironically exposing the narrative overall as a political fabrication.
Returning to events at the end of the bronze age, after the Egyptian invasion in the 1450s, the people of the Levant rebuilt but never reached their former status since they lived in subjugation as tributaries to Egypt.. Back in Egypt, there remained sympathetic elements within the Egyptian royal lineages, since the Hyksos had left a strong impression, tradition, and shared bloodlines. Those elements eventually produced Akhenaten with this sun worship and elongated skull and R1b DNA. That was the 1300s. Akhenaten ruled over Lower Egypt and grew increasingly tyrannical, while the opposition held Upper Egypt, and the latter eventually mounted a military campaign putting an end to the former.
Akhenaten only existed because the Egyptian royal family, during the 18th Dynasty, had intermingled a lot with the Mitanni / Phoenician / Hyksos lineage (for example: Yuya, Tuya, Tiye, Ay were foreigners by blood who nonetheless achieved high status in the Egyptian power structure). This lineage descended from the bronze age proto-Indos, who themselves had intermixed with the giants / cone-heads over the prior several thousand years of their history and probably picked up some of their beliefs and knowledge and technology along the way. So Akhenaten was an attempt to resurrect the old foreign religion and convert Egypt to a more proto-Indo type of belief system, though modified toward error by his own egomania, and that didn’t go so well. He was a cone-headed hybrid. Their genetics were already getting diluted by that point, so there was incestuous breeding going on to preserve it, which only compounded the genetic disorders they had; Akhenaten and his son Tutankhamen both had congenital deformities.
So the Paracas skulls were from people who were likely the offspring between the giants and the proto-Indos and perhaps some local native genetics mixed in. Depends on what their genetic analysis reveals about the maternal and paternal ancestry. I don’t know if they had always lived there since the beginning and were reaching their end, or if they were half-breeds from intermixing with the proto-Indo colonists, who either fled there or were stranded there when the bronze age empire collapsed in the 1400s B.C. They had long skulls but weren’t all that tall. And it seems like they were just ‘trying to survive’ as an enclave until they pretty much just died out locally. I’m sure some still exist today elsewhere in isolated regions, or maybe as a secret society of cryptoterrestrials who run the world on behalf of alien agendas like some claim.
Take note that the Freemason obsession with Akhenaten is due to such fraternal orders and secret societies (including the Jesuits) deriving their power and origins from those cryptoterrestrials and aliens who engineered our civilization, which includes the two advanced groups discussed above. Aliens gave knowledge, technology, and guidance to certain human groups that gave them an advantage, a rare kind of power over others, be it for good or for evil. So they, and those who seek ultimate power, would naturally have an affinity with, and reverence for, these forces and their legacy.
The whole idea of an architect god and the preoccupation with geometry, numerology, stonework, and occult science all hearkens back to what the cone-heads and proto-Indos were into. So we’re looking at ancient traditions and ancient agendas going back many thousands of years, all ultimately reflecting knowledge and agendas of alien groups who have been there all along, managing the whole thing from the world’s beginning to its imminent end.
That says nothing about whether secret societies, the proto-Indos and cone-heads, or these aliens are positive or negative. The truth there is that just as there are opposing ideologies and interests among alien factions, the same applies to secret societies and advanced ancient people. Some may be benevolent: guardians of planet, keepers of wisdom, knights of truth, etc. and it’s more a case of a tug of war between them and the corrupt opposition. That polarity dynamic has been the primary driving force of human history, well, aside from the cataclysms that punctuate important junctures in that dynamic.
By Tom Montalk
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