Submitted by SpectreCollector on

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Over the years I have come across some very odd circumstances and stories during my paranormal investigations and reading research but none odder than beings who show up occasionally in broad daylight and interact with humans and they are, well, just plain odd.
One case that stands out was that of Rick Aiello of New York. He had stopped in a local tobacco store next door to where his wife was shopping for groceries. He was very familiar with the store and the woman behind the counter as he had frequented the place for many years. Upon entering, Mr. Aiello noticed a small group of about five people who appeared to be in their mid-twenties or younger which by state law at the time required an ID check. As Mr. Aiello waited his turn to check out he observed the bunch all had their backs to him except one male who was standing there looking at him. He was described as tall, thin, wearing and black suit and tie and a bright white shirt. His skin was the palest Mr. Aiello had ever seen. This male was fiddling with a gold cigarette case which appeared to a 1940s style case, stuffing it with candy cigarettes.
In the meantime, the counter lady was becoming suspicious because each ID she was checking was from a different state and New York law at the time held a heavy penalty for selling cigarettes to minors with fake IDs. She inquired, “Who are you people and what are you up to?” This caused Mr. Aiello to pay more attention to the group and he then noticed that they were all dressed odd with 1940s clothing. The one female of the group had on a corduroy jumper and a pair of go-go boots from the 1960s. He also noticed that they acted peculiar. None of them had answered the counter lady’s questions. They paid for a couple of cigars and left picking up their suitcases that had been left by the door. The suitcases were also odd 1930s or 1940s style.
When they left, Mr. Aiello felt a strange tingling in his body. He approached the counter lady to pay for his cigarettes. She was white as a sheet and when he asked her what was wrong she replied that she had no idea what the group of people are talking about and couldn’t remember half of what they said. She was confused and scattered. Then the worst part of the whole situation happened. The odd group had crossed the street to the parking lot and simply disappeared. It was two o’clock in the afternoon.
Were they entities from another time and dimension?
In a personal case of mine, an acquaintance who I knew for several years and felt was of sound mind, called me about an odd person who had come to his door. This situation started with him seeing movement out of the corner of his eyes and graduated to small dark shadows darting across the floor from the corner of his living room. This lasted for about a week until he saged his whole house especially the corners of rooms. A few days after doing this, on a sunny afternoon, the doorbell rang and standing outside was a tall thin young man, pale as a ghost, dressed in dark old fashioned clothing and stared at him without blinking saying his car broke down and could he look at a phone directory. Now who these days has a phone directory anymore? The acquaintance explained he didn’t have one but gave him the number of his own mechanic. The man thanked him and said, “I will be back tomorrow at 2:00’ and walked away muttering gibberish. By the time my acquaintance shut the door and went to the window (less than 20 second) the man had disappeared.
With my acquaintance called and we made arrangements for me to be at his residence a little before 2:00. There was no way I was going to miss this!
I arrived at 1:30 and ran a few indoor tests and walked the yard and went inside before 2:00 but the time came and went and I never saw the man and he never returned.
Just who are these strange beings and what do they really want?
According to British author Thurston Hopkins in his book Adventures with Phantoms:
“They are creatures who have strayed away from some unknown region of haunted woods and perilous wilds; they dress like us; pretend that they belong to mankind and profess to keep our laws and code of morals. But in their presence we are always aware that they are phantoms and that their ideas and actions are out of key with the general pitch and tone of normal life.”
Originally submitted by LFN Member Paranorman
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