Submitted by Summoner on
Image by Felix Lichtenfeld from Pixabay
There is something insidious going on in this country – dark and evil fostered by the denizens of hell itself. We are slowly but surely losing our collective minds. Common sense has been thrown to the wayside along with decency and balance and belief in a Higher Power who once used to be known as God. The elites who want to end America and give themselves more power and money employ other elites in sports and in Hollywood to tell us how to take care of our families telling us we suffer from ‘white’ privilege or whatever else loathsome dictate they can think of in their vile little minds. Quite simply they want globalism where everyone is the same, has the same and buys into the Klaus Schwab (Nazi darling that he is) Anthem “You will have nothing and be happy.” They create division and unleash their version of Brown Shirts on America (Antifa and Black Lives Matter) and then call us fascists. They have infiltrated the schools and teach children how to be deranged degenerates who don’t know who or what they are. Crime is rampant and perpetrators coddled. Our food is restricted and now our air, land and water are being poisoned by inept politicians of the Howdy Doody School of thought. The old Aleister Crowley dictate, “What is good is evil and what is evil is good,” is permeating through society like piranhas swimming through shallow waters trying to find you and eat you alive.
Wake up, people. You put this this trash in charge. What did you think would happen – what do you think IS going to happen? You think it’s going to get better? That somehow those in charge are going to fix it and you will be better off than before? All in the name of what? Progress? Saving the planet? Take off those green colored lenses you swapped for the rosy ones. You were born a fool and will die a fool and an unhappy one at that.
If you have yourself convinced that we are on the right track and that our leaders are masterful, then maybe you deserve what you are going to get. But I can promise you one thing – you are not going to drag the rest of us along with you because we are done being tolerant of you, your kind and your lunacy and quite frankly the grip of evil that has you so enthralled. I would like to know what you think you have to gain by all of this. Maybe Schwab was right when he said:
"In the new world, it is not the big fish which eats the small fish, it's the fast fish which eats the slow fish."
Yeah you – you are that slow fish he was talking about because while this is referencing not keeping up with progress it’s hidden meaning is that you are lazy, unmotivated and looking for the easy way out. IOW – SLOW. And you will be eaten alive and SOON by those big fish you put in charge with them the power YOU gave them.
I don’t feel the least bit sorry for you. My empathy goes to those who are trying to keep the balance, the equipoise and the purging against this evil. The small town workers who keep the status quo, the parents who fight corrupt and deranged schoolboards, the churchgoers and faithkeepers, the normalcy promoters on media and podcasts – anyone and everyone who still has their head screwed on straight and is fighting in each his own way.
The rest of you fools can go to hell ... and enjoy it. Hate to say it and go all Biblical but you are about to “reap what you sow.”
Yeah, it’s a judgment. Tough shit.
Bye, bye Miss American Pie you’ve been swapped for some real cheesy quiche.
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