Submitted by Syd Alrruhi on
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Let’s take a moment to talk lower realm, lower astral plane to be exact, since that seems to be where the current collective mentally is dwelling. There is no getting around it since we all participated. That’s correct, we all participated – no one is exempt. Remember in metaphysics no one gets off the hook.
The Lower Astral, as most intellectuals know is where all the human nasties we can think of dwell. Hatred, revenge and other vindictive behaviors thrive here and literally take form as the most horrendous monsters the human mind can conceive. We’ve chosen some of those monsters to rule our Earth lives in this moment and they won’t be taking us any place good. Because I am speaking of lower astral I will refer to these monsters as Satanic Masters and … they’re everywhere in their human disguises.
“That almost sounds like politics,” you say and that certainly is part of it.
Did we unwittingly choose a brand new suppressive way of life disguised by promises for “progress?” Perhaps we did … I’ll let you decide for yourself.
“Why did we do that?” You ask.
Simply put, we have decided collectively to disrupt the timeline because we have allowed ourselves to be taken in by the glamour of a small group of (for lack of a better word) Satanic Masters who don’t have our best interests at heart. Actually they don’t have hearts and that is plainly obvious. They only deal in power, self-interest and greed. That said, there is also another factor at play here.
Within the life of each Soul there are memories related to the death experience. Before you get all excited, death in metaphysics often relates to change which is not a bad thing. The problem is we are out of alignment with our timeline and have chosen death thinking the old way needs to die so a new better existence can be born. The PROBLEM is what we have collectively chosen to do has no balance. Balance is required for harmonious change. Without it we attract trauma, drama and ill thought out action. We begin to have trouble with our relationships – ALL of them. We become fearful and burning with anger towards one another. It is basically a state of unresolved shock. Our human consciousness ceases to develop until we collectively decide to overturn or disrupt what we have done and restore the timeline to its karmic path.
What do we have to figure out? Remember the kid’s nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty?
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the King’s horses and all the king’s men –
Couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty back together again.
Let’s say the horses represent emotions and the King represents authority. Well, emotions and authority can’t repair the cracked egg so the first understanding is that we cannot rely on the old adage “it will straighten itself out in time.” Not going to work this time folks especially if you think authority figures are going to straighten it out or that people will eventually become less emotional. There needs to be another force intervening here. Now what might that be? Oh yeah, what about that shift in consciousness I mentioned above? Until the danger is recognized by the majority collective consciousness we aren’t getting anywhere and the Satanic Masters keep their grip. The egg stays cracked while its life force leaks out and as it does we become more tormented.
There is a physical body problem connected to this as well. Some individuals have begun to complain about discomfort and/or pain in the space between the bottom of the rib and the top or the pelvis on the left hand side of the body. If you experience that you are beginning to get awareness about the seriousness of the situation and until you come into full understanding of the danger of the disruption in the timeline you will continue to feel it. The traumas of this time as designed by the Satanic Masters will be stored in the subconscious and able to pop up any time to keep you under control as you believe their spin while thinking everything will work out.
Unfortunately you will have to deal with the fact that you have been duped and only you can change your awareness of that.
At this point in time, things are not what they seem. The Satanic Masters arranged it that way.
Personally I am not willing to give them “a chance” to see how they do. Are you?
Syd Alrruhi - The Realm Walker
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