Submitted by Teacher on
It's common misconception, but no.
The term supernatural connotes description of paranormal, psychic, magical, occult type of earthly human physical behaviors. Do earthly humans “naturally,” by the nature of being human, hold the behavioral possibility to behave super “natural” (beyond earthly human “nature” of Human Nature?) Perhaps you know an earthly human who does! Earthly human who could manifest super “natural” behavior would indeed exist as a phenomena different from the nature of Human Nature. There are earthly humans who do profess to hold these supernatural powers.
The Metaphysical Realm of Human Nature Existence exists “natural” to the “natural essential” innate nature of Human Nature. Human Nature innately and inherently exists within two Natural Realms of the Nature of Human Nature Existence: the Metaphysical Realm of an abstract conceptual cognitive intellectual mental operational capability “ to think, to pro form, creative, thought ideas” encapsulated within a Physical Realm of a human species physical, biological, physiological body substance existing within a parameter, phenomenal nature of Nature Nature.
Metaphysical Realm Innate Nature of the Essence of Human Nature Existence does not exist phenomenally super natural. Metaphysical Realm Innate Nature of Human Nature exists essential toward the innate nature of existing as Human Nature; otherwise, earthly human species “ could not mentally rationally think, nor, come to know anything!
Metaphysical Realm of Essential Nature of Human Nature IS earthly human.- Pauline Shiappa
Info from James Hough:
From A Catholic Dictionary, edited by Donald Attwater, Second edition, revised 1957
Supernatural. That which is superadded to nature; it is therefore that which neither constitutes an essence nor is necessarily consequent upon it, nor is it that which an essence has need of lest its being and activity be frustrated, but it is a special participation of the Divine Goodness itself. It is opposed to Natural, which is whatever constitutes an essence, or flows from it, or is due to it for its activity; and to Preternatural, which neither constitutes an essence, nor necessarily follows upon it, nor of which the essence has need for its being and activity, but which does not go beyond the order of the whole of nature.
Phenomenon (Greek, appearance). The appearance which an object presents to the mind from without. It is opposed to noumen, a term used by Kant to denote a thing-in-itself lying beyond the range of cognition.
From Modern Catholic Dictionary by John A. Hardon, S.J. Doubleday & Co., Inc. Garden City, NY 1980
Metaphysics. The science of being, as being; or of the absolutely first principles of being. Also called ontology, first philosophy, the philosophy of being, the philosophy of first causes, wisdom. (Etym. Greek meta, after, beyond + physika, physics.)
From A Catholic Dictionary, edited by Donald Attwater, Second edition, revised 1957
Metaphysics (from the Greek, after physical things; originally the title given to those treatises of Aristotle placed after those on physics). That part of philosophy which treats of real being. It has two parts:
(a) General, sometimes called Ontology and treats of being as such and the transcendentals (being something, unity, truth, goodness); of the Categories or supreme genera (substances, accidents; quality quantity, relation, etc.) of causes (material, formal, efficient, final).
(b) Special, called applied metaphysics, which treats of Cosmology (the world), Psychology (the soul), Theodicy (God).
FURTHER: Is the paranormal/supernatural a subset of metaphysics?
Metaphysics is not about the paranormal it is the examination of the nature of things in their most fundamental form.
In the metaphysics of Physicalism, the universe is said to have begun with the rapid expansion of a singularity in a process popularly known as “The Big Bang.” From the Big Bang came stars, rocks, fish and people. Also, mind is considered a consequence of biological brain.
In the metaphysics of Dualism, the Big Bang may be correct. However, in Dualism, mind is modeled as being independent of brain and existing in a nonphysical aspect of reality sometimes referred to as the Psi Field- There are numerous cosmologies for Dualist metaphysics. The Planes of Existence Diagram below illustrates one such cosmology from ancient wisdom schools.
Supernatural is an old term for what is generally referred to today as paranormal. Paranormal is used to refer to reported experiences that are not currently explained by known science. It could apply to UFOs and Big Foot, but is it most often a reference to etheric-to-physical influences and information access. Anomalous acquisition of information is a fancy parapsychological term for psychic functioning. Psi is the influence of thought, and so, functioning as a psychic is psi functioning.
In the order of names, metaphysics is the study of fundamental concepts in nature. A cosmology should evolve out of a metaphysical view. a proper cosmology should help a researcher imagine and develop theories to help explain an apparent paranormal experience.
For instance, in Strict Dualism, the mind is modeled as independent of brain. If that s true, then there must be a space that propagates mind. There must be lines of influence between mind and the environment … both ways. There must be a source for mind in the same sense that the primordial soup is thought to be the source for our human body. I refer to the model I use in Etheric Studies as the Implicit Cosmology
The metaphysical view is Dualism. The cosmology is the relationship between mind and body and the rest of reality. Even though many terms used to describe the cosmology are also used in religion, this is not about religion or belief. It is about testable models and ideas intended to help us better understand ourselves and our world. - Tom Butler
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