Submitted by toeoffrog on
In the tradition of Paganism, personal work is done by the seasons and the fall or the dying time is home for our Shadow work. The Shadow exists in all of us, one Shadow with lots of different faces. This is usually comprised of a central issue with lots of little tentacles. I have always been a lover of tools and the Tarot is by far my favorite.
I began studying the Tarot more than 25 years ago and my main interest was divining the future. The system has a quiet life of its own and before I knew it I was working on issues I had never planned to address. In our work-a-day lives we encounter many challenges that cause us to have to address these issues. The Tarot is a mindful meditation in working through those issues. Addressing the Readers out there I would have to say that the intention would have to be there to plow the road of "I don't want to go there", but if you have the stomach to stay in it with someone as they do there profound work you will benefit as well. There is nothing more satisfying then seeing a client heal their "stuff.” It seems to me that the more willing you are to help the more profound the issues are.
I once had a client that went to great lengths to come to me for a reading. She was traveling from Florida to Texas and got off the interstate for lunch at a health food store. She was listening to a conversation regarding a reading and convinced the sales person to call me for a reading. I have to admit I was apprehensive since she was a bit pushy but I agreed to see her. She drove to my house and I was surprised to see how calm she was and that her reading was not very interesting or out of the ordinary. There was something circling my mind until finally I just told her "In the 1940's there was an astrological event which caused people to open up dramatically and many of these people were put into institutions". There was an emotional outburst as she told me that her mother was one of those people and although she had not known about the planetary influence she had been waiting to "lose it" as her mother had. I can only guess that her Soul led her to the person that had this information that would set her free. She left my house after that and I knew that it was life changing event.
Not all readings are so cut and dry or even as impressive, some are just the opposite where the person just does not want to hear the message. For them there are boxed sets of pathway cards that deal directly with the issue. The Conspiracy Cards by Chuck Spezzano are among my favorites and so are The Enlightenment Pack, and the Love Pack. These cards talk about what the “matter” with you “is.” Largely based on the Course in Miracles the author uses psychology and creative imagery to move consciousness and evoke change. The Osho Zen Cards are also fantastic for looking at the underpinning of emotions and cycles. A novice can use cards and the book to do a fantastic reading for themselves. It is a good idea to journal them and observe your progress. It is also helpful to share your findings with a counselor or friend to see what insight they have for you. In cultivating our nature we bring all things up for healing, there is nowhere to hide and life will find you wherever you are and hand you a poison apple. Ultimately you will be take the medicine but it is so much better when you go willingly.
Having discussed the obvious side of readings there is still the more subtle side. Readings that concern Karma, past lives, close calls, accidents, body stuff, and demons. I have come across it all and most of it can be resolved with the power of the spoken word, the other items are treatable but not in the same session or by the same person. One of the most chilling readings I have ever done was for a lady that had pattern issues. I detected that her inner child had the upper hand over her and was running the show. I did some light processing with her in order to talk to the inner child and the only way to describe her was demonic. She told me that as long as she was running things they would not change and furthermore that I was not welcome to meddle. The Tarot led me to her for a reason, I knew she was not a bonafide demon even though she was hateful, but I did some chakra work with her and working with the conscious person got her to do some things her inner child would enjoy. Slowly the gap began to close and she had her life back again. The loop tap had ended because the behavior had stopped the issues were resolved and the woman was healed. So, if you have ever thought "why is this happening to me again?" or "why am I creating this" it is a good idea to get your cards out or seek a professional reader. During these meaningful times the more work we can do on ourselves the better. When one person heals and moves ahead in consciousness we all do.
Over the years the Tarot decks have changed to suit the masses. Styles reflect religious beliefs, our personal myths and politics. The Waite Rider deck has been a template for other decks but is now an outmoded tool. The new decks speak more to being conscious creators and living magically which is the reality in this time period. Stunning artwork helps to stimulate the intuitive process as do the thought provoking headings. The traditional Tarot consists of 22 major arcana cards and 56 minor acana; newer decks include extra cards that are more than wild cards but have some significance to the author. If you are a seasoned reader and would like to enrich your abilities let me recommend these specific decks. The Transformational Tarot, is a beautiful deck and the book is worthwhile too. The Roots of Asia, Buddhist in nature authored by a hermit living in the Brazilian rain forest is stunning and revealing. Daughters of the Moon Tarot is a round deck and very woman identified. The book and deck are by Fiona Morgan and they do not disappoint. Concerning emotional issues or woman issues this would be my favorite of all time as are her other works. The Inner Child Cards, whimsical and artful, great for youngsters and adults too. They are oversized cards and just plain fun but packed with plenty of ironic wisdom. Issues come up that relate to the shadow side, some are more serious than others, if you are ready to release your misinformation and develop yourself as a person the Tarot is a great place to start.
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