Submitted by Wyn on

I have been interested in ancient alphabets and writings as far back as I can remember. I have a definitive favoritism for the various Runic Alphabets and often contemplate what I can write in Runic Script.
The Nordic Runes (Futhark) can be converted into the regular alphabet according to this diagram:
Recently, I have become drawn to the HU. In brief and according to the HU has been used for thousands of years by various cultures and religious groups as a means to have greater conscious contact with God. HU is an ancient name for God. The Oxford English Dictionary states that the word "God" can be derived from the Sanskrit word "HU." The Egyptian and Greek traditions of 5000 years ago talk about the word HU as a reference to God. Sufi Mystic Saints of Tibet, Druidism and Kabbalah talk about the word HU as the originating sound of the universe.
Of course, Norse mythology has multi gods (or aspects of God) connected to the Runes but in this blog I will focus on the two Runes Hagalaz (Hagal) and Uruz (Ur) that represent the letters H and U in the alphabet and their spiritual meanings as representative of the God factor and their cause and effect in our HU-man lives. We are all, in truth, of God and an essence of God yet contrary to current popular belief we are not God. We strive to be God-Like.
Hagalaz belongs to Heimdall's Aett, the set of Runes that are associated with forces beyond HU-man inlfuence which house cosmic understanding.
The Rune Hagalaz is basically representative of "disruption"and on a divinatory level it speaks of delay and frustration and discomfort but its meaning goes a lot deeper. It contains tempering deep withing the unconscious where the God factor lies. Disruption may be self delivered or self imposed as well as from an outside source. It is a factor of change tied to karmic lessons and dharmic testing. It is within this Rune the power to break free from material reality. In the grand cycle of life, we learn that often the greater the discomfort the more room there is for true and timely spiritual growth. Hagalaz lies at the roots of existence through which patterns of the past shape our present. It offers the power of evolution which the Soul already understands and shows how that power exists within the frame work of the present existence. The Soul is the Great Awakener - God within us.
Uruz belongs to Freya's Aett in which the Rune set is associated with Creation and represents all races of the world. It is the Rune of strength, endurance, spiritual stamina and the holy shamanic.
The Rune Uruz house the sound "OO' ... or ooooo or uuuuu. Symbolically is represents the boundless primal power of the Universe. It speaks of being the unselfish custodian of both the planet and all other beings. For HU-mans it siginifies the archetypal trial or rite of intiation where we are challenged and pitted against adversity. When we are faced with formidable challenge and are tested perhaps to the limit of our strength we gain personal spiritual growth. HU-manly speaking a crisis may be psychological, romantic, spiritual or ethical. What may terrify us ultimately becomes the source of wisdom. The greatest fear can become the greatest teacher and ally. Ever look for opportunity disguised as loss? What is ultimately reinforced is the understanding that life is a cycle of perpetual renewal. Each passage in life is defined as as a metaphorical death of the old life and rebirth into a new life always greater than the one before. It is being your Absolute best. That is God-speak.
When you chant HU inwardly or outwardly a feeling of peace results. You work with God - you become God-like. You are cycling yourself step by step out of an old life into a new life. You are the Universal Shaman. You are HU-man.
Wishing you all strength, understanding and peace.
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