Submitted by Yve on
Today, we are very unlike our ancestors who spent a great deal of their time and energy outdoors. We spend so much of our time indoors with our wide screen TVs, computers and climate controlled environments that we have forgotten how much we really depend on the green world for the very basics of life – fresh air, natural materials and even our food.
Despite our busy lives, we can all find time to go outdoors. The following are some Green meditations that can be used if a person has some time or little time.
Discover the Green Meditation:
Before you begin your meditation, find a “nature” spot such as a city park or even your own back yard, apartment terrace or even an open window. Look for a “nature’s temple” gateway which consists of two trees preferably with over reaching or entwined branches. If that is not possible, simply look for an opening between two somewhat evenly spaced trees.
Stand in the gateway and take a deep breath releasing your anxieties and fears. Focus on one important and/or pressing issue in your life and commune to the Green that you will be seeking an answer or solution to this problem during your meditation.
Pass through the gateway and begin your walk taking note of anything in nature that gets your attention or catches your eye. This could be a bird, animal, butterfly, insect, plant, sound, smell or movement. Stop and let whatever has caught your attention resonate with your heart and spirit. Now relegate it to your issue. Do not deliberate or try to wrap your impressions up in logic or understanding. All you need to do is be receptive. Once you have processed this, acknowledge nature and say thank you.
Continue your walk until you feel or “sense” that you have come to the end. Before you leave, once again acknowledge and thank all of nature for the “input” you have received even though your rational conscious mind may not be able to grasp the messages.
In a day or two, you will notice that your perception regarding your issue has been altered. You will feel less burdened and able to render a decision regarding the solution to your problem.
Telluric and Nwyfre
These terms are connected to Druidic receptive meditation which is best done outdoors in the presence of nature. For this section, I refer to some brief passages (italics) from The Druidry Handbook by John Michael Greer:
Nwyfre can be thought of as similar to The Force in Star Wars ... Nwyfre is everywhere but the two most intense concentrations within our reach come from the Sun and deep within the Earth.
Nwyfre from the Sun fills the Earth's upper atmosphere and moves downward. It is strongest at dawn or noon but for those living in higher geographical elevations, it's even present at midnight. This particular mode is considered the solar current.
Nwyfre from the Earth moves upward through stone and soil. It's strongest around green plants, trees and around natural places of water like springs. It would be very energizing if an underground spring is located so you could stand above it. The Earth nwyfre follows more complex cycles in time and space constituted by Lunar phases and planetary and seasonal changes interplaying with stone, soil and earth. This mode is known as telluric current (from the term Tellus which is an old name for the Earth).
The solar nwyfre current is considered "male" and is also known as the "current of wisdom" It stimulates the energy centers in the chest, throat and hands thus awakening intellect, abstraction and impersonal awareness. The telluric current is "feminine" and known as the current of power. It stimulates centers in the belly, pelvic basin and feet and enhances the vital force - life, love and passion. So you end up with absolute awareness and absolute energy. The solar and telluric currents are primary and always present and existed before any living things on Earth came into manifestation.
This particular exercise infuses and attunes the body to telluric current:
>Find a natural place where the land has suffered the least amount of damage by human hands.
> If possible be barefoot. The exercise is said to have different effects according to where one is standing such as grass, sand, soil or stone.
>Three deep breaths inhaled through the nose and exhaled out the mouth to assist relaxation and balance.
>Hold your arms in a downward arc, hands about a foot out from your sides at hip level. Palms should face the ground and fingers should be pointing forward. Relax the arms as much as possible and spread the fingers apart gently.
>Breathe slowly and deeply for one to three minutes. Those who are sensitive will feel the Earth energies flowing into the fingertips.
>Bring the fingertips inward toward the vital center two inches below the naval, stopping a few inches from the body - palms should be facing towards you with fingertips nearly touching. Focus on Earth current flowing from fingers into the midline of the body. Hold for a few minutes.
>Move the hands slowly upward while remaining aware of the telluric current flowing into the midline - from the vital center up to the throat. Separate your hands sweeping them up and out to your sides. Bow deeply and return to the first step.
>People usually do three to nine cycles.

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