Submitted by Zephyr on
"Predator" Image by Alex Tavares from Pixabay
An enemy is a hostile opponent... of any kind. Some are in your face, others are unknown personally to you but they’re all there.
From that lousy neighbor who talks behind your back and deliberately wishes your house would burn down – with you in it, to that Google Algorithm that has all but destroyed your web traffic and rating of your personal blog and is still going strong with the goal of “zero” in mind for you because you aren’t “woke enough” or “in trend,” to your power hungry state of the art local politician whose lies and greed have done nothing to better your life or even that nasty person on Facebook and Twitter who attacked a statement you made without provocation leaving you to think “WTF?”
They can all go straight to hell. I am assuming they all eventually will and the sooner the better. Hey, if they can judge me, then I can return the favor.
Now you might say I am my own worst enemy because I am talking this way but I don’t see it that way. It’s really more of a case of enough is enough. I refuse to begrudgingly respect these folks and all they stand for. Respect is earned and not given. But let’s digress and turn this around a bit. I submit, who is the enemy of your enemy? Contemplate this:
“Declare your jihad on thirteen enemies you cannot see -egoism, arrogance, conceit, selfishness, greed, lust, intolerance, anger, lying, cheating, gossiping and slandering. If you can master and destroy them, then you will be ready to fight the enemy you can see.” Abu Hamid al-Ghazali
Seems like this fits the state of my enemies very well. If I can learn to master these things fairly well then so can they BUT they don’t. They don’t want to do that. They are too busy enjoying themselves and skipping down the yellow brick road on their journey to the Land of Oz without realizing it is really Dracula’s Castle.
Will I strike back? Can I strike back at evil? Certainly, I can cease bothering with the neighbor and flip them the occasional bird (which would provide instant gratification but no lasting effects). Certainly, I can cease voting for the politician and relish in their loss. Certainly, I can either give the Facebooker or Twitter addict a dose of their own medicine by ripping them a new asshole or simply ignore them (which would probably drive them crazy for the lack of attention) and start a secret campaign against them. Certainly, I can hire a voodoo high priest to put a curse on Google and turn their empire into a pile of smelly rubble. But what does that make me?
It makes me just like them. NO thank-you. These people are beneath me. They are beneath what I am trying to accomplish. They are beneath my station in life.
What? Are you calling me arrogant? Too bad. I know where I stand.
Do you?
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