Submitted by Gravedigger on
Anything Can Be
A few months ago, I was reading up on a First Nations Shaman, named Black Elk (Heȟáka Sápa), a member of the Oglala Lakota (Sioux) tribe, who lived from December 1863 to August 1950. The things Black Elk said back then are still relevant today. One of the things he said struck me deeply.
"Listen to the mustn'ts child
Listen to the don'ts
Listen to the have nots
Listen to the won'ts
Pay attention carefully
Then listen close to me
Anything can happen child
Anything can be."
I was also reading about how the old Sages claimed it was possible to light a fire within water. To have a fire burning in water, not on top of it or near it....but actually in water. Most people would say that such a thing was impossible. But here was Black Elk saying 'Anything can be'. I'm the type of person that likes to try to use what I learn in everyday life. So I decided to explore the idea, using "As Above, So Below" as a base for my logic. Here's what happened.
1) First I considered Fire itself. Some say it is the light which illuminates Heaven. Some say its known for its Purity, due in large part to the fact that it would burn off impurities. It creates warmth. All in all its a pretty good element to work with.
2) Water. If you look at Water scientifically, its a crystal. And it maintains its crystal appearance regardless of the form Water it liguid, ice, or vapor, or will still find the crystal there.
3) Looking at Fire as a light source, I asked what would happen if you placed a light source inside a crystal. The answer is relatively simple. The crystal will act in the same way as a prism and/or mirror, scattering the light in a multitude of directions at once.
4) I looked at the problem from a Spiritual angle. Assuming that the light being inside humans is a good thing.....and if the light is the "Fire of Heaven"......wait for it...then main ingredient of the human body is Water. So placing this Light inside a human will scatter the light in a lot of directions touching others with it. Yes, from a Spiritual angle, it is a good thing.
So what I learned to this point is this....
I now have an educated guess on what a Fire inside Water would look like.
And the fact that it can be done on a Spiritual level.
But would it work on a physical level? Could a person physically hold Fire in some way if it was in Water?
I puzzled over how to test the idea for weeks without finding a reasonable solution. Until about a week ago at work. I stepped outside for a smoke break with a female co-worker to discover it was snowing. First snowfall of the season for us. My conversation with the co-worker went like this:
Her - "Snow. I love snow."
Me - "Guess I'm going to need to find the shovel when I get home."
Her - "But the first snow is wonderful. It makes everything look so clean and white."
(pause. then)
Me - "Hey! Snow is a form of Water."
Her - "Oh, congratulations, Einstein."
Me - "Its coming from the clouds. Which are also water."
Her - "Learn that in school?"
Me - "We're under water!"
(pause. then)
Her - "Digger, I think you just stepped into an area of the Twilight Zone where you may not want to be."
By the time I got home, it had stopped snowing. Two days ago, it was snowing again at night, so I grabbed a candle, stepped outside, and lit it. The candle stayed lit!! In a real way, I had just started a Fire inside Water. And it worked. I went for a walk with the candle lit. During my walk, 7 people asked me why I was walking in the snow with a lit candle. I answered honestly with - "Because I can." After walking 4 city blocks, I stopped and turned around. Sure enough, 5 of the 7 people were following me, along with 3 others I hadn't spoken to. They didn't care that there wasn't a charitable reason for my being there. They just wanted to be close to a lit candle on a slightly chilly, snowy night.
But here's what occured to me today on this. If humans live under water.....then we should breathe through gills, and perhaps have scales. But humans don't have scales (at least, none that I have personally seen). And we breathe air.
This makes YOU, dear reader, a Magical Creature. Something that just stepped out of the pages of a book of myths. Rejoice and celebrate in your Magical Nature. Embrace it and know.....
"Anything Can Be."
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