Submitted by Gravedigger on
So today I turned 50 years old. I thought what I'd do is set up a series of blogs based on things that have become pet peeves over the past year of my life. In keeping with the site, the blogs will revolve around the occult world or the people that have beliefs in the occult to some degree. These blogs will also undoubtedly give people some insight into the way my own mind tends to work. Which I am ok with. It also means that some people here may find themselves offended by some of the things that I say....which I am also ok with. I look forward to watching whatever discussions arise because of what I say. So without further's Part ! in the series.
The media of the world in general is fairly bursting with conspiracy theories. It seems that we as a collective people can't get enough of trying to scare ourselves into submission to something. What I find both fascinating and frustrating, is that a lot of the occult oriented people are also involved with this phenonema, while seemingly leaving their brains in bed on the pillow. So for Part 1, let's take a look at one of these theories.
The Illuminati.
This alleged group seems everywhere in the media. Including feature films. People are starting to take it for granted the Illuminati exists without any legitimate proof of any kind crossing their field of vision to confirm it. In point of actual confirmed fact, the Illuminati used to exist. The facts show the group was founded on May 1, 1776, in Bavaria by Jesuit-taught Adam Weishaupt, who was the first lay professor of canon law at the University of Ingolstadt. Members at the time made vows of secrecy and pledged obediance to their superiors. Members were divided into 3 main classes, each with several degrees. Many Illuminati chapters drew from already existing Masonic lodges. Over the span of 10 years, they gained 2,000 members in Europe, many of which had connections in the world of politics. Some also came from literary circles.
In 1777, Karl Theodor became Bavaria's ruler. His government banned secret societies. Just one short year after the formation of the group. Over the course of the following years, internal rupture and panic over who was going to lead the doomed group preceded its downfall. The group's death knell sounded when a secular edict was issued on March 2, 1785. Weishaupt, the group's founder, fled to parts unknown, while documents and internal correspondences were collected and seized by the government over the years of 1786 and 1787. Rather than destroy these documents, the government decided to publish them for the general public to make a mockery of the group. This worked. This was the end of the factual Illuminati.
'Today this same group is credited with everything from trying to set up a "New World Order" to orchestrating the crash of the world economy in 2008. They are said to be in control of the banking systems for both countries of England and USA. In particular, the Federal Reserve of USA. Its said there are many famous people involved, usually from the areas of politics or the entertainment industry.
So here's where a person should start asking questions. But they usually don't. They usually just go along with the hype. Questions like:
1) I wonder if I know someone that is related to one of these famous people? I wonder how their family feels about their name being used this way? Odds are pretty good you do know someone that's related, they are just keeping quiet about it.
2) As pointed out this alleged group is centered around England and USA. Tell me, if you had the kind of money these people are said to have access to.....would you keep your money in these countries? Or would you invest in a country where the economy was stronger? You get to guess which way I'd go.
3) The appeal of a single group that controls the funds of every country would be strong. Any one would want to be a part of said group. The question is who's going to lead this group? An old man like Rockefeller or Rothchild? Or me? Because I can do a better job than they can. Because I'm smarter than they are. Because I have an ancient family name the same as they do. Because human nature tells me I want to control the group that controls the world. So internal fighting starts making it destroy itself again.
What is it about conspiracies that make us forget to think things through? As people that study the cults, we all have more than enough reasonable intelligence. Are we really so afraid? Or just bored?
Next installment.......Part 2 - The Freemasons.
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