You Must Be Present To Win
Submitted by LOGOS - Overseer on
Human nature is averse to pain and discomfort.
We want everything to be smooth, yet we are constantly faced with difficult situations, unpleasant events and well, less than "nice" people.
Submitted by LOGOS - Overseer on
Human nature is averse to pain and discomfort.
We want everything to be smooth, yet we are constantly faced with difficult situations, unpleasant events and well, less than "nice" people.
Submitted by Gravedigger on
Anything Can Be
A few months ago, I was reading up on a First Nations Shaman, named Black Elk (Heȟáka Sápa), a member of the Oglala Lakota (Sioux) tribe, who lived from December 1863 to August 1950. The things Black Elk said back then are still relevant today. One of the things he said struck me deeply.
"Listen to the mustn'ts child
Listen to the don'ts
Listen to the have nots
Listen to the won'ts
Submitted by LI - Executor on
Body aches, coughing, sneezing, sore throat,fever – all symptoms of that specific agent of infectious known as the virus. In recent years, brand new viral strains have been developing quickly leaving health care professionals virtually clueless as how to help a plagued population.
Submitted by Anonymous on
* * *
I came across this article and thought that it was such a great representation of the contemporary issues surrounding entheogens that I have decided to reproduce the article here for your reference.
Submitted by INDIA - Exec. Admin. on
How do we read a face?
Submitted by LOGOS - Overseer on
Woodend, Australia's Hanging Rock (below) is a prehistoric volcanic outcrop that dominates the scenery. Some believe that it is a focal point for other-worldly forces and energies.
Submitted by SHABDA - Preceptor on
Taken from Letters To Gail Vol.1 :
January 31, 1963
Submitted by Anonymous on
I am working on compiling a book list for the Entheogens group that is currently under construction. Did I miss any books? If you can think of anything that is applicable, please feel free to post!
Submitted by SHABDA - Preceptor on
Submitted by LOGOS - Overseer on
"Scary Stuff Rulerships"