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Brand new poem

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I was talking with member off site about some things. (Hi Anush) The end of the conversation we both mentioned that we had seen a lot of people in emotional and/or mental pain. Remembering back to a time of my own pain, this got me thinking.......


Pet Peeves of the Past Year, Part 2 - The Freemasons

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his is the second installment on pet peeves of the past year. A series I began on my birthday this year based on things relating to the occult and/or the people that worship or study in an occult path. This particular blog will deal with The Freemasons. For the record....I am  personally not a Freemason, nor do I have any personal connection to them.

The Freemasons

Pet Peeves of the Past Year, Part 1 -The Illuminati.

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So today I turned 50 years old. I thought what I'd do is set up a series of blogs based on things that have become pet peeves over the past year of my life. In keeping with the site, the blogs will revolve around the occult world or the people that have beliefs in the occult to some degree. These blogs will also undoubtedly give people some insight into the way my own mind tends to work. Which I am ok with.


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This lesson could be categorized under both Modern High Magic and Qabalah. However, I will be presenting this information under the guide of general information and reference. Folks, it is time to stop concealing and start revealing. Fellow seekers may intuitively understand this esoteric material, but most people do not.
