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Surprising Sources of Artwork

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When it comes to artwork ... I am an amateur. Recently, while aimlessly browsing Wikipedia, I came upon some art that was shocking to me in that I thought it was extremely well done, yet was not being found where I would expect to find art. The Coat of Arms for various cities and countries turned out to be worth looking at and admiring.

Here are a few of my favorites that I have come across.

Days and their ruling planets - linguistics

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Alright, I've had enough and just researched real quick how we come to the names of our days and what it has to do with the planets associated to them.


Monday (Moon) - Not much to add to that, it's Moon - Day. The French call it lundi (luna we all know).

Tuesday(Mars) - Here it already gets exciting. Tuesday comes from Tiw's day, Tiw being ruler of the skies or Lord of war; Mars. French call it mardi, again making the connection easier than in germanic English.
